Chapter 1

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In Mewny Creek Highchool

"Guys!!Wanna go explore the forest of certain death after school?"I said to my friends Janna,Jackie,Alfonso,Fergeson,and Tom(ExBF)

"Noo"they all said together except janna

"But Why!?!?"

"Dont you remember what happened last time we go there?"said Jackie

"Yeah,But thats becouse we dont have my wand or Tom"i said

"With or without Tom or youre wand im still not going"said jackie waving her hand side to side

"Cmon now Jackie,atleast it was enjoyable last we got there"said janna whos sitting between Tom and Jackie across the the table

"Yeah it was fan and everything but still"Said fergeson sitting besides me

"Oh,dont be such a KillJoy Ferg atleast now we have Tom and me to guides us"i said

"Why dont we just let the ones who want to explore the forest with me go and the ones who doesnt stay here"i said to them to which they nodded"Now thats settled meet me at the entrance of the forest who wants to go with me"


Janna,Tom and Jackie are the only ones who arrives.
"Wheres Ferg ang Alfonzo?"i asked janna whos playing with his phone

"Theyre supposed to come but their mother dont want them to"Jackie answered

"I thought youre not coming with us?"I asked her

"Yeah whatever lets just go and get this overwith"she said in annoyed tone while rolling her eyes

"Girls,girls why dont we just go now right Janna?"said tom interepting us at our little argument while looking at janna

"Right,now,To THE FOREST OF CERTAIN DEATH" i said excited

We explore the forest while fighting some monster along the way but sometimes i argue with jackie,we dont usually dont get along but we still consider each other as frienda

"I told you not touched it yet you still did!!"said jackie to me very angry

"How many times do i have to tell you i didnt touch it!"i fired back

"Oh really?,then tell why are you holding the flower of that thing?"

"Thats becou-"i was interupted by a loud roar near to where we are

"What the heck was that?"asked tom afraid to Janna

"Well according to my knowledge,its probably just a monsters" said janna confidently smiling

2 Hydra dragons suddenly appear looking at us with a menacing look becouse where probably at there teritory

"Or a Hydra"janna added losing her smile
"RRRUUUNNN!!!"yelled jackie


We all ran deeper in to the forest to the point were lost,well,the good thing is that the hydra stop chasing us

"Tom,have you seen Janna and Jackie anywhere?"i asked panting couse of running away from a hydra for 5minutes

"I dont know,but im sure theyre safe"tom replied

"Thats strange"

"Huh?what do you mean strange??"tom asked

"Its just that the Hydra thats chasing us suddenly just stop after entering...this side of...the forest"I look around to know where we are but i cant recognize this part of the forest

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