Chapter 3

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   After Star listened privately to the story her mother told last night shes somewhat toughtful to what is the scroll her mother gave to his father
"I wonder what is that scroll about?"

"Ill give 1 week to convince him and you can bring all your friend friends to help you"said moon to her daughter and husband

"1 Week?"Star asked confused

"Yes, 1 Week, is there a problem?"moon reponse to her daughter

Star just didnt reply.Star and his fatjer just both nodded in agreement and star went to call all her friends except for Alfonzo and Fergeson becouse they both have been grounded by their parent for whatever reason they both did

"Whoah!!....Seriously!?Your mom just gave you 1 week to convince him?"Janna asked surprised

"I know right....but i dont know why she gave us 1 week though?"asked herself confused why her mother gave them so much time

"Maybe its because--"

"Shush.....i hear something"river interupted janna to what shes saying

"What is it?"star whispered his father

They heard something rustling in the bush, star quickly points her wand directly to where the rustling is then a bunny just came out of it,they all sight relievely that it wasnt a monster that came out of it then they continued their tracks through the Forest

"Now which way should we go now?"tom asked star

"Well according to the map my mom gave me,we should be in the entrance of the unexplored forest"star said to tom while looking around

"Guys look"janna said to them while pointing into a sign

Vines and leaves covered the sign they removed the things that covered the sign and they were all shock to what they read

..............WELCOME TO THE ENCHANTED KINGDOM............
    They are shock that an encient kingdom that should be just a tale are real.They entered to what they saw shock them more,..the Enchanted Castle that is said to so beautiful are now in ruin
    They entered the castle there you can still see some pictures of the past ruler of the kingdom star mostly ignore all of it but janna was trying to touch and tom was trying to stop her and river was investigating some of the pictures but one of all picture caught stars attention

"Guys,come here look"star called while pointing her finger on a picture

"What is it? that-"tom was cut off

"Its him,its marco"star said

  While they focused on the pictures tom heard some flapping wings,he warned star,river,and janna that something is coming then suddenly a green fire surrounded them

"Whos there trespassing my castle?"said someone in a calm tone and star reconized those voice

"Its me Star,you know the one you saved in the forest"said star then the fire died down except for tom and Marco revealed himself to them

"Why are you here?"marco asked them calmly

"Were came here to convince you to come with the castle"star answered him calmly but the truth is that she was nervous

Marco thought for a moment then answered "Im sorry,but no"

"Thank you fo-...W8,why?"star didnt expect that

"Well,1st you suddenly came here  2nd you came here trespassingly and 3rd you brought a demon here"marco answered stars question

"Im a prince,a demon prince of the underworld"Tom corrected marco angrily

"Tom calm down"star tried to calm tom but it didnt work

"You,..Marco isnt?..I challenge you into a duel"Tom challenged marco

Marco just fly and smirk and tom seeing marco smirking made him angry, with red glowing eyes tom attack and tried to punch marco in the face but marco didnt move nor flinch he just caught toms hand and he just barely push him but for tom it was a heavy blow
He was slammed back to the ground and made a crater he he got but he was badly injured

They were all shock of how powerful marco is even tom is shock knowing his a prince who is losing to a another demon is a embarassment to him

"Impossible...How-"tom then faints

"TOM!!"they all said and ran straight to him to help him

"Carry him and follow me"Marco calmly said to them but Star glared at him "You want to heal him right?"marco to which made calm star

"Come on star"River pick up tom and followed him

After they covered Tom injury Marco made an announcement to them

"You said you wanted me to go to your castle right?"Marco asked them and they nodded

"Since i injured one of your friend and im sorry for that....I will go with you all"marco said to them

"Really? You will come with us?"Star said excitedly

"But you all have to beat me in my challenge"marco said to them smirking

Star and Janna frowned knowing that this isnt going to be easy but river was kinda excited of what kind of challenge will be

"Ughhhh....Fine..What is the challenge anyway?"janna asked

They all went outside and Marco made a giant big circle of green flames

"You guys have to do is take this away from me"Marco said pointing to mask(None has exactly saw marcos face yet)
"There are no rules about using any weapon you can also use magic but if you step outside the circle you can never enter again unless you havent been inside understood?" Marco asked them making everyone gets the rules
"Oh..And by the Way you guys have exactly 30mins to take it from me"Marco smirk at them

"Hey star do you have a plan to get it from him?" Janna asked star

"I dont have any,maybe dad has..right dad?"star asked his father his father already attacking marco

"Looks like we have to do this with/without a plan"star commented and attack and janna also followed star and river attacking marco without a plan

Thats it for now and im sorry for the long wait guys

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