Chapter 4

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"Star!....Star!....Star,you ok?"worriedly waking star up

"Uhg!(Groaning!)....what happened?..ow! head!"star said standing up while holding her head

"Yup...shes alright"tom said sitting on a chair relieve that star is ok

"Do you remember what happened?"janna asked star

"Well, the last thing i remember is that marco challenge us and we accept couse were only going to take his mask off then we all attack at once then...HUH!!"Star suddenly remembered something

Star,distract him, I have a planjanna whispered something to star smirking

"Ok, HEY!! WARNICORN STAMPEDE!"star shouts a spell where many warnicorns came running straight to marco but marco just stand and flinch his hand and then all the warnicorn disappeared

"Is that it?"marco asked teasing star

"Nope"star answered confidently looking behind marco and marco noticing star looking behind him he quickly look behind and saw janna getting ready to him from the head but marco just dodge but tom suddenly came straight right at marco punching him in the stomach sending marco flying almost going outside the dome he made

"whoah that was a close one, gotta say you guys almost got me there, not bad"marco said to them

“You know you forgot someone!”janna said reminding marco he look besides him and saw a giant magic ball going at him. He was too late to react and hit him but due to the magic that been put a strong wave of wind swept them outside the dome, janna fly high and tom came flying catching janna but star fly out of the dome going strauight at the castle wall hitting his head cousing him to lose conciusenes


"Well since you remembered it correctly we should be able to go home tomorrow"tom said relief

"oh yeah wheres dad and marco?"star asked

"Well, your dad has been sleeping after the battle and ma-" janna was cut off by what shes saying

"Wait a minute how long am been sleeping?"star asked eyeing janna since she know that shes gonna lie to make fun of her

" see...,youve been sleeping at least 3 days"

"Im juat gonna take a fresh air"star said normaly going outside but shes actually shocked

"Yup shes shocked"janna blurted

"You just have to say it huh!"tom said to janna staring her

Outside the castle to where star is.

Star was infront outside the castle walking while talking to herself to calm herself (AFTER 15mins CALMING HERSELF) she goes back inside the castle and while walking on the corridor she saw marco walking holding a guitar but the style of the guitar was not familiar to star
She followed him until he enter in a room and star ofcourse
sneak in that room, she saw marco again on the stage with a guitar and many more musical instrument not familiar to star
Marco flick his hand then the instrument suddenly move on there own making a sound that is so beautiful in the ears

You and me we made a vow
For better or for worse
I cant believe you let me down
with the proofs in the way that it hurts

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2020 ⏰

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