Chapter 2

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3 Days has passed since that incident in the forest and told them everything what happened on how Marco saved me to my friends and Parent
  My and Parents were surprised on my story becouse most monster or demon right now were evil and only a few were good.My parents were trying to make peace with monster ever since they become the ruler of Mewny but it didnt work so well couse some monster just really hate us mewmans.
  I have been thinking about going back to where Marco is and thank him for saving me and if i remember it correctly i havent instroduced myself to him

“Hey Star,..Star!”janna yelled a little at me snapping me out of my thoughts

“Huh?Oh sorry i didnt hear you,what was that you were saying again”i asked

“I asked you if you wanted to join us later at jackies house?”janna said to me

“Sorry guys you know i cant couse of princess stuff”i lied couse im going to where marco is

“Come on now Star,ever since that incident on the forest youve been very thoughtful,so why not relax!”janna begged me

“Sorry guys I really cant maybe next time ”

“Fine,but if you ever change youre mind you know where to go,right?”

“I know”


Well we better go now or well be late for class” i said to them

......................................AFTER SCHOOL..........................................

In the castle where the king and queen were eating

  "Mom,Dad im home"i yelled in the room where my parents were eating

“Welcome home, sweety”My dad greet me with a big hug

“Star would you please keep your voice lower”complain my my mom covering her ears

“Sorry,by the way you guys said you want to meet marco right?”i asked a little excited

“Well,yes we woul-”moon's interupted

“Great couse im gonna go visit him today,so could Dad go with me”I asked mom jumping with joy

“Wait,what?Really?”My dad question surprised

“Mom please”I begged mom using my puppy dog eye on her,She turn her heads on me to look at my dad which also using a puppy dog eyes

“(sigh)Fine”said my mom in defeat

"Yeesss!! Up Top here dad"i jump with joy

“But with a condition!”Said my to mom which i turn to hear what shes going to say

“Condition?”i asked

“Yes a condition,since youre going yo visit him i want you to bring him here to meet him too”Moon said to her daughter with a demanding voice

“So you want us to bring him in here just to meet him?Why dont you just come with us so we dont need to please him if he refuse to come with us? ”i asked my mother confuse

“Well its a secret matter”simply said my mother to me

“Fine so can we go now?”

“No”Moon said to them to which suprised them


“I meant you will go tomorrow since its getting dark it might be dangerous if go now so why dont you go to your room now so you can rest while your dad and i talk,ok?”simply said my mom to me

“Ok,see you tomorrow dad”

I ran up to my room and got straight into to the bathroom while i wonder what will be mom and dad are talking about


With the king and queen after star left them

“River,have you ever heard the DIAZ family?”moon asked

“You mean the wealthy family that suddenly disappeared?”

“Yes,but did you know why they disappear?”moon asked river looking in the eyes

“No,why?”river asking confused to where this conversation is going

Moon told the story of what happened to the Diaz family and River just stood there listening and confused why is his wife suddenly told him the story of the Diaz family

“Ok i get you honey but what does this have to do with marco and how did you know what happen to them”River asked really confused

(Sigh)“I used the wand obviusly and Here”handling river a scroll“Do you still remember this?”River took the scroll and read it and it surprised him

“Wait!!Dont tell youre-”

“Yes the deal is still a deal even though its been a long time since this deal is made”moon said interupting on what his husband is saying,what they dont that their daughter star is listening to them listening

“So Marco is a secret prince”star said whispering to her self so that her parent wouldnt hear her with a tear falling from her eyes after listening to the story from her mother
  She goes out of her hiding place and slowly goes back to her room and sleep

   By night0126

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