I never thought I'll have another shot in love. It'll be surprising, me meeting you and you loving me and vice versa. I'll never thought I'll be lucky enough to have a special someone in my life again, someone who I could go to for love and support.Please understand that I'm not an interesting person. I'm not outgoing nor exciting to be with. I'm usually silent and prefers quite places rather than noisy ones. There will be times that I rather sit beside you and hold your hand in silence with no words to be said, because your presence will always be enough. There will be times that you'll think I'm in a bad mood but don't worry it's just because of my face that's why it's like that, unless I say otherwise. There will be times that I'll be selfish or petty and for that I'll apologise in advance.
I am an otaku weeb and a fujoshi, if I ship you with other guys please don't be offended. You can tell me that you're uncomfortable with it and I'll try to stop, keyword 'try'. There will be times that I'll be tooo jolly or sweet, it won't happen to often so better yet make the most of it. There will be times that I'll show you my crazy antics, so please bear with me. I am also a fangirl so please don't make fun of the fandoms I'm in, or else.
I want to say sorry in advance if there'll be times that I will cause problems to you or give you a headache. I won't promise that I won't be annoyed when you reprimand or scold me for my actions but I can assure you that I won't love you any less, well unless you'll do it more often and it'll get on my nerves. There'll be times that I won't tell what's on my mind. Don't worry, it'll only be some petty thoughts I had during the day and I won't remember it tomorrow. I'm sorry if I couldn't say directly my problems to you because I'll be scared to know that you might think that they're petty or if I'm overly sensitive. You may see me as a good person but I'm not, I'm only doing what I'm doing now because I really think there's no need for rashness in life.
I want to thank you for accepting me into your life. For giving me a second chance in love. For proving to me that I could be loved and I could love another person. I really want to thank you for investing your time, money, and emotions on me. I will really appreciate you, wholeheartedly.
And please, please don't make me regret of having to invest such great emotions on a person and I will do the same.
But if ever you'll out of love, please talk to me properly. I'll accept anything no matter how hard it is I'll accept it, just do it in a bearable way.
I will love you truly