Chapter 1

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Ciel Phantomhive arrived at Queen Victoria's manor to spot a taller male with blonde hair, he seemed quite bored and banged on the door annoyingly. He stepped one foot onto the steps before the taller male turned his attention to the Phantomhive boy, "Ciel Phantomhive?! I didn't know her majesty invited you to come over as well, that must be you're the Queen's Guard Dog!" He said with a devilish smile, he clapped his hands together closing his eyes for a split second. "It said in the letter that we will be working together on the case, and personally; I already find you a bigger nuisance than Prince Soma and Grell combined." He sighed walking up the stairs to the two double doors, he knocked lightly as a guy dressed in white answered. "It's nice to see you again Lord Phantomhive and Earl Trancy, her highness is awaiting your presence in the room down the hall to your left. Please tell me you both got rid of whoever was annoyingly banging on the door." He said with a soft smile moving out of the way, Ciel walked in as the taller male followed looking at the guy. "Don't worry, I'm sure they will stop after hearing you say that." The smaller boy with the eye-patch said, a wave of betrayal hit Alois. After realizing Ciel was half way there, the blonde boy ran quickly to catch up.

The two earls arrived spotting their majesty in a beautiful black dress as a vale covered her face, Ciel bowed down to the Queen. "What case do you need us to do your majesty?" He asked in a warm voice, her butler handed the two boys a different file. "There have been murders reported from a school multiple times, I send the police there many times but they seem that they can't find any evidence. I'm leaving it to you two to find out if it's true or not; if it is. Stop them, I hate hearing about children being killed or go missing even from school." She said as Ciel and Alois scanned over the file they received. "When would you like us to start investigating?" The spider asked with a serious face for once, she looked at the taller male with a fated smile under the vale. "As soon as you can, nothing breaks my heart more currently than murder," she answered with a soft voice, Ciel nodded his head as he began to walk out of the manor with the Spider trailing behind him. "What are you doing Lord Phantomhive?" Ciel stopped glaring at the blondie, "Enroll into the school of course since that is the main place to start investigating." The Guard Dog replied following by Alois rolling his eyes, "yet we don't have to start investigating tomorrow!" Ciel slightly chuckled at that comment of the Earl Trancy, "It's best to start investigating as soon as possible, I rather not disappoint her majesty."

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