Chapter 6

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The youngest twin turned his attention towards the tall man with the skeleton staff, "Undertaker, do you have any information on who Aylssa's master could be?" A slight laugh came from the Undertaker as he fell onto the ground as drool dripped from his mouth. "Just tell me one joke young master, and all me information will be yours!" He said, both of the Phantomhive boys sighed in the ever slightest annoyance. "We have no time for jokes, we need the information if we want to close this case." Astre sighed, Undertaker stood up wiping the bit of drool off his face with his sleeve. "Fine, I'll give you a discount just this once. Aylssa is one of the most powerful demons in history, even stronger than other demons a reaper that she fought. Some were killed with their own weapons, then one day she left the underworld and started killing here." He explained, Alois put his hands up closing his eyes for a few seconds. "You're telling us that the demon we know as Aylssa is so far unstoppable?! Sounds like your butler Lord Phantomhive." The taller earl commented, Astre face lightened up with a small smile. "Let's see if my butler can defeat Aylssa. He did defeat reapers before," The small earl said with a grin on his face.

"I don't see that as a good idea my young lord, you don't know who made the contract with the demon. For all we know it could be a set up for us to kill an innocent human being." Undertaker shot as the small earl rolled his eyes, "life is like a game of chess, make one wrong move you'll end up losing the game; there is no saving yourself." Astre shot back, Alois out his hands in his pocket as he looked closer at The Queen's Guard Dog. "Are you alright Lord Phantomhive? Did you hit your head or something?" The Spider asked out of the curiosity of a cat, the youngest twin shook his head. The demon butler appeared at the door gaining the youngest twin's attention, "good Sebastian; you're back. Did you find a way out other than the broken ceiling?" Sebastian nodded his head, "yes, if I couldn't find a way out of this place than what kind of butler would I be?" He walked towards a broken down door hat was hidden down in the basement as the others trailed from behind him.

In the basement there were a few lock doors but one had bloody handprints on them with blood leaking through from under the door. Banging from the otherside of the door grew louder and louder as the cries of help were being screamed, "let me out! Please!" The voice from the other said of the door screamed, Alois turned his attention towards the door hearing the consent banging. Each one of the bangs became more harsh than the last with more blood leaking from under the floor, Astre looked at Alois. "Get away from their Alois! We don't know what's behind there!" He snapped, the taller earl rolled his eyes bringing out a knife from his pocket. He slammed the lock onto the door handle breaking the lock, swinging the door open. Chains covered in blood along with weapons splattered with blood, the Phantomhive twins and Alois's eyes widened greatly. The demon butler Sebastian walked towards the room moving the door a bit as what seemed to be a teenage girl fell onto her side unconscious. Blood dripped from her body from the sides of her head, neck, and wrist. "How much blood does she have left Sebastian?" Astre asked, the crow demon walked over to the body lift the head up gently. "Not much, it's better to leave her here to rot to death. There is no use in trying to conserve her plus she seems to have strength left to bring herself to wake up." He replied, Astre nodded his head slowly.

"You can't just leave her to die Phantomhive!" The taller earl shouted, Astre turned his full attention towards the annoying blonde boy, "Alois, you heard Sebastian. There is no use in trying to save someone who is just going to die before we find the demon or someone who can help." He said with a cold voice, Ciel remained quietly narrowing his eyes down as he learned more about how cold and rude his brother became. "Get us out of here Sebastian, this place is heavily disgusting." Astre said turning his back towards everyone walking in the middle of the room. "Yes, my lord." The demon butler walked towards a door that led outside kicking it down as it broke into small pieces.

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