Chapter 3

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"Alois, can we please talk in the hallway? Alone." He said in a cold stern voice, Alois nodded as both of the boys began to walk to the hallway. The Queen's Guard Dog closed the looking at the spider behind him, "we're not here to make friends Alois, we're here to solve this case for her majesty. Got it?" Ciel shot, Alois rolled his eyes as footsteps began to come from the far end only becoming louder. Both of the boys turned to the hall standing there completely still, from the distance they could see a boy covered in red holding a chainsaw. She jumped up wearing a red outfit, long bloody red bright hair, and spectacles. Ciel moved out of the was as the red haired female crashed into the door, Alois looked at her and smiled. "Do you know this guy Lord Phantomhive? And you said that we don't have time to make friends!" Ciel sighed glaring at the the green eyed girl, "Why are you here Grell Sutcliff?" She quickly got up flipping his hair, "Well it is a Grim Reaper's job to get the souls and there are some people who are supposed to die tomorrow." She said pulling out a small book, flipping through the pages. "There are even some souls that will be collected because they got away from the last Grim Reaper who was here a few days ago." She added, Alois went around Grell looking at her up and down before stopping right in front of her. "You wear too much red for one person, at least wear some other colors for once!" He commented, the reaper grinded her teeth together and held her chainsaw up high. "Well at least I'm not judging what other people are wearing you little-". Right before she could finish she sentence the smaller boy put his hand up. "That's enough fooling around, you guys are being very inconvenient," He sighed, placing his hand on his forehead then glaring at both of the taller males.

"I rather get this job quickly before you guys become a bigger problem then Prince Soma's need for consent attention." Grell looked the second smaller male then at the Phantomhive boy, "fine, I'll stop. After this boy agrees that he is a s-". Ciel crossed his arms giving the reaper a death look, "I said enough fooling around you give me a headache!" He shouted, both Alois and Grell gulped giving each other a small yet quick glare. "Anyway, what information do you have to this school Grell that will be proven useful?" Grell looked over at Ciel holding her death scythe in one hand, " We reapers don't have very much information. All we know is that this school has a different way of running things other than just killing to get out of the dump." She replied, the smaller male smirked uncrossing his arms. "Sounds interesting, please, do tell me more." Grell continued to tell Ciel and Alois all of the information the Grim Reaper knew about the school, all of it seemed weird yet at the same time; the school had an interesting history. "So, this school wasn't always a place where students had to murder each other yet it did have a history of murders happening." Ciel muttered to himself quietly, he placed his finger over his mouth and slightly laughed. The Trancy boy took a step away from Ciel, "How can you find all of this amusing Phantomhive?! Did you lose your marbles or something on our way here?" Ciel looked other at Alois and slightly smiled, "No, if you look at what Grell just told us from a certain way this school has always been messed up from the very start."

"Are there any other Grim Reapers here as well?" Alois asked, Grell shrugged her shoulders as Ciel turned his attention towards the Trancy. "It depends on how many people are going to die at the same place, they all aren't as annoying as Grell here." He sighed, Grell slid over next to Ciel and hugged him from the side. "Seems like someone has been paying attention to what their butler informs them on." The tallest male complicated, the small earl pushed Grell away in a lot of disgust."We should head to our rooms, hopefully nothing will happen in the early morning or at night. Remember, we're meeting here during breakfast; don't be late." Ciel explained, the group began to split apart heading towards their rooms. The small earl arrived in his room to spot the same person he met in the gym, "Oi Smile! It's nice to ya again!" She said wrapping her arms around him giving him a hug, the earl was startled by the sudden hug, "D-Doll! I didn't know we were going to be sharing a room." Doll looked at the Phantomhive boy a bit confused, "Aylssa handed out a paper saying who we're going to be rooming with, didn't you get it?" She asked, Ciel shook his head slowly. "I wasn't aware of anything about roommates, yet I'm glad it's someone I know, kinda." The smaller male replied looking at the girl that is taller than him. "I hope ya don't mind if I take the top bunk." Doll said as she began to climb the ladder, Ciel slightly smiled as he walked towards the bottom bunk. "I don't mind, I prefer the bottom bunk myself." He said with a slight chuckle, the sun began to set someone came around locking all of the doors from the outside half way.

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