Tidepods yum

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prank gone wrong but also went right? Maybe
A prank gone terribly wrong? Maybe 😏🤭

"Peter I have a plan" Shuri says smugly, throwing down the wrench, she grabbed her spider-friends arm and lead him into the kitchen.

"Okay so when Steve and Sam walk in you will eat these" Shuri holds up multiple tide-pods and grins sneakily to Peter who returns the grin back and grabs the tide-pods. Steve and Sam always ask Peter what he's doing when they come back from they're morning jog, little did Peter know that it wouldn't be just two of them but he'll find out later.

"We have exactly a minute left!" Shuri exclaims in a shocked tone, she speedily begins to set up the cameras to watch the footage later. Peter meanwhile grabs a plate and a set of cutlery for eating his 'juicy' breakfast.

"Showtime" Shuri whispers and presses play on the cameras.

Steve, Sam and Bucky walk into the kitchen sweaty and happy and oblivious about what's about to go down.

"Hey Peter whatcha doing?"
Sam thinks that he's cool if he talks like a 'modern day teenager' but in reality it's so cringy and weird.

"Having some breakfast" Peter says turning around and stuffing the three tide pods in his mouth holding in his laughter at Sams gaping mouth and Steve's widened eyes. Bucky only looked amused and stared directly at the camera like he's in the office. (How he knew where the camera was is still a mystery).

"PETER! WHAT THE F*CK!"  Sam shrieks

Steve sprints over to Peter and tries to get him to spit it out but Peters too fast for them and jumps onto the ceiling still containing his laughter. Peters starts smiling but it vanished when he saw Tony enter with Bruce through the lab and Natasha slip in through the training room door. He's so f*cked and Shuri knows it.

Tony looks at the plate on the counter and Steve before looking up at the white ceiling and seeing Peters mouth filled with washing liquid. That's all he remembers before he feels himself go into cardiac arrest and nearly collapse as Bruce catches him from falling.

"паутинка get down right now!" Natasha says in a warning tone that would make any assassin or soldier shrink back. Peter just backed away before thinking freeze or flight?

"паук" Natasha warned again in a more frightening tone and Peter just thought 'not today b*tches' and ran on the ceiling towards the bathroom and kicked open the door before locking it and chewing the TidePods as Natasha tried barging down the door. He was done for and he knew it.

"паук! Open the door!" Natasha barged on it again and Peter knew that he couldn't keep her out even if he tried. She's the black widow for goodness sake. Peter only had one option and it was to reluctantly open the door and face a steaming assassin who would probably kill him. Peter swallowed the TidePods and opened the door about to say sorry but before he could as so much blink he was grabbed and flung out the bathroom being led to the MedBay.

"I can't believe that you ate washing products are you insane?" Natasha said furiously, kicking open the doors and running past Tony who was being calmed down on a bed.

"Cho!" Natasha said a bit too loudly for Peters comfort.

"What's happened now?" Helen-Cho jogged in and immediately knew that Peter had done something dangerous again.

"He swallowed washing products." Cho's eyes widened in surprise and disappointment.

"Very well, we'll take a scan" she replied and dragged a protesting Peter towards a MedBay bed while muttering things like "Therapist" or "brain" over and over.

"I swear I don't need a scan!" Peter said panicked. He had a secret he didn't want to tell anyone because he knew that it would get him in bother and people would question.

"You're getting one and that's that" Natasha said sternly to him and turned to Cho who was getting the scanning machine. Unluckily for Peter some of the avengers decided to strut in at that very moment those were including Shuri, Bucky, T'challa, Steve, Clint and Sam. Cho let out a shocked noise and jumped back at seeing the results of the scanner that searches his chest. He was so f*cked for now.

"Cho? What is it?" Clint asked concerned at why she leapt back. Natasha peered over at the results and she gasped staring at Peter. The gang walked over and saw the results as well. Their reactions were priceless and Shuri still had her camera out.

"You have twenty six bullets lodged in your chest Peter!" Steve said mouth agape and Bucky looked astonished.

Peter gulped and his senses were so focused on their reactions that he didn't realise the needle go into his neck and him collapse.

When Peter woke up he got an earful from everyone and Tony said that he was 'lost for words' but then screamed at him for thirty minutes straight. It was a field day for them.

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