Chapter 6: What Really Happen

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A/N: Hey friends!!! So... Im really sorry for the super duper late update!!! ... Seriously... There were a lot of school work... And I hav'nt updated for nearly a month and for leaving a cliffhanger... But, here it is. I'll try to make up by trying to write two chapters for this week.  Hope you like it *wink*

"U... Uncle Mark??? What are you... Doing here" I asked in a soft tone... Trying to keep myself calm. What on the world is happening??? He put on a forced smile while staring back at me. The only thing I know right now is that the world is spinning... differently... 

He took a few steps closer and knelt near me. I stepped back. "What... are you... doing here?" I repeated, this time with a fierce voice. He smirked at me, held my cheek for a second and squeezed it real hard while releasing out a menacing laugh. "You really are... Phillip's daughter. " He stated, trying his best to look perfectly calm... Then that smile he was wearing a while ago... Faded away. "Both of you are so Naive!!!" He mentioned, full of confidence, Then released me from his grasps. 

"What do you mean!!!! Let me go!!!" I whimmed, trying to let go of my arms... but these two are just so strong. 

He walked with small strides... going around like a cirlce. "Let me... tell you a story..." He told me then turned to face an area of the forest were everything is still and silent. 

"A Long time ago..." He started to narrate. "There were two young boys living in a village not far away from the woods" He says. I think I'm starting to picture everything he is trying to say. 

"The two of them... were childhood friends. anything the other would do... the other would also follow. They both shared what they had, they would both do the same thing all over again, they both trusted each other. That is what the little one thought of how their friendship would be??? They both met when the other one moved into his neighborhood. At first, he didn't like to socialize. He didn't want to be near any person, except his mom and dad. But this kid forced him to be his friend. This kid... showed him the colors of the world... showed him hope. But little did he know.. that this friend of his is the one who is going to end his life one day..." He narrated to me while taking small glances at his back to see my reaction. I stopped resisting... Trying to make out of what he was trying to say. 

"I get it..." I declared fiercely with confidence. "You were the boy... who just moved into the neighborhood... and your friend... was my dad!!!" I spoke up. 

He made his signature smirk again... followed by a silent laugh which makes the atmosphere more tense. "I'm surprised. You are... Quite clever" he uttered, partly shocked, partly impressed. "Dad mentioned you were... childhood friends." I said. I felt y cheeks getting wet as soon as more tears rushed out of my eyes. "But... end his life one day??? What does that mean???" I questioned, recalling his last statement of his story. 

"Well it goes like this..." He says then turns his back against me again, like the usual villain of an ordinary fairy tale. "Many years came by... but still, the boy does not have a clue that the friend he trusts the most is the son of the leader of the werewolf tribe." He continues his beautiful speech (Notice the Sarcasm). He looked back and smiled at me.

"So..." I said. My whole body was trmebling. Of Anger. Of  Surprise. I could not look at him directly. My face is wet eith tears rushing to get out of my eyes. "You betryed my dad..." I added with my teeth chattering and my fists clenching. He was not the Uncle Mark I knew. The one who was so compassionate... caring... loving... Trustworthy.  All of the good image I view him ever since I was a little child... was all suddenly gone. " Uhmm... Let me think... No!!!" he says. I was confused. There were lots of hints to show that he was tricking dad. I wish... I was only dreaming. " Well... We!!!. You see... It was actually part of the plan. Befriend someone... Trick him to do things for you... And the element of surprise!!!". He said. He uttered the last word with extreme stress. " How could you!!! How dare you!!!". I screamed at the top of my lungs. I tried to hit him a lot of times but the two men behind me stops me everytime.

"LOCK HER UP... AND MAKE SURE THERE'S NO WAY TO ESCAPE!!!" He exclaimed... Gesturing one hand to the opposite area. I feel something inside me blow. All of the feelings that I wanted to say awhile ago escaped my mouth " WHYYY??? MY WHOLE FAMILY WAS RUINED BECAUSE OF YOU!! I SWEAR!!! I WILL AVENGE MY FAMILY!!!" I cursed as they take me away

They lead me to a bulky path. They opened a metal cage located near a foot of a tall tree. They tossed me inside. Both of them laughed cruelly. After a nice laugh, they left.

I sat quietly and cried...

Not long... I saw a shadow approaching...

A/N: Phew... At last its finished. Well this chap was shorter that the others because I do'nt need to explain it further. You I can Identify what happened based on the last chap. Have a nice day. *wink*

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