Chapter 10: The Boyfriend

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Your P.O.V.

You were by a window in a big mansion with a telescope. It seemed like the same mansion that got its front door blown in during another dream of yours. You leaned down to place your eye into the telescope to peer into the night sky for a certain constellation before backing up to glance at a book open on a small table on the side of the telescope. It was a picture of the constellation of Draco that you seemed to be trying to chart. You sighed in frustration before picking up the telescope to pack it away. It fit into a bag you could swing around your shoulder which you did. Then you glanced around as if you were making sure no one else was around. You started to tiptoe towards the front door holding the strap of the bag with the telescope firmly to your chest. Then you stopped in agitation as you saw the silver haired boy named Peter standing in front of the door with his arms crossed. 

"Where do you think you're going?"

Your eyes rolled as you took the bag off over your shoulder to your hands. 

"I was going to go outside to see if I can see the stars better out there."

You said innocently as Peter just slightly smiled at you.

"Y/N, you know what the Doctor said."

"Yeah, yeah I know but it's dark out, no one would be able to see me."

"We can't risk them finding you."

You took a deep sigh before going back into the room you were in before to sit on a couch. Peter followed to sit next to you as you placed the telescope on a table in front of you. 

"I know The Doctor wants to help find me a home but being confined here just like I was in that government facility is not helping."

You complained while laying your head on the back of the couch cushion while glancing at Peter.

"Y/N, you've only been here a month, you've got to give it time to have it feel like home."

Peter explained as he laid his arm across the top of the couch. 

"But shouldn't you just be able to feel it immediately... just walk in and just feel like home."

"Not always."

Then you leaned up and adjusted yourself to be facing Peter with your elbow resting on top of the couch with your face on your palm. 

"The closest I've ever come to feeling at home was when I was allowed onto the rooftop of that facility with the telescope to just stare at the stars for hours.. I think I loved it up there because I was above all the horrible things that were happening there and I was able to look at a way to escape into the stars... then a miracle happened and I met the Doctor who showed me those same stars and I was finally starting to really know what home felt like."

You reminisced to Peter who was listening inventively while a wide smile slowly appeared on his face.  

"Why did you come down then? Why not stay traveling?"

"For Sam."

You said in a hopeful toe thinking about your brother.

"Your brother?"

"Yeah, he deserves to have that feeling I felt too... I need to find where they took him. I need to save him. So we can both be able to live out normal lives together."

"What do you hope to do when the Doctor finds him and brings him here?"

"Give him the same hope the Doctor gave me."

"So you found a home with the Doctor but there was someone missing that being your brother?"

You nodded with a smile as Peter laid his head on the top of the couch on his arm before continuing.

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