This life fucked us harder than the priests

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Both rooms were awoken to the sounds of the ocean. It was calming and peaceful, and everyone had almost forgotten where they were, but as the announcement came ringing in their ears they all began to listen sharply. 

"Everyone is to come down to level 4 for breakfast, then a mandatory meeting." 

As the  announcement faded out with a double chime of a bell, both rooms joined before breakfast, and everyone was quiet until Jessica broke the silence. "What if we... just didn't go down..?" Seb looked at her as if she was the stupidest person in the room. He said "Wow yeah, let's just hide out in here forever, if we all work together they'll never get us out!" He was so sarcastic that you could feel his energy from the other rooms. Tayah and Lachlan got up together and walked out, slowly everyone followed. Once in the dining hall, everyone got their breakfast which had an assortments of many different food. The chef suggested they take the eggs and bacon. Some sat down and talked, while others sat in awkward silence. Tayah and Lachlan were of course sitting alone moaning like usual. Everyone noticed there were empty seats, and were anxiously waiting for the rest of the competitors. 

'GO MAKE A DIFF'RENCE, WE CAN MAKE A DIFF'RENCE. GO MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN THE WORLD...'  It was a grand entrance. Daddy Petrie to be exact. The coordinator of the game. He came out of the gigantic doors as the holy anthem played in the background. He took his voice to disturb the silence. "Welcome everybody!"

Jess looked at Lachlan "I hate this." 

Petrie continued eagerly, "I'm sure you all are excited that it is St Leo's turn to represent Jesus' sacrifice in following his footsteps." 

Tayah whispered under her breath "imagine dying."

"However, one of you will only survive this sacred ritual... the child of God to be exact..."

A sudden bang around the door, the other inhabitants from the other rooms came in. "Ah! Here comes the others! ah grace you beautiful children." said Petrie as the others shuffled in making awkward eye contact. They stood in a line in front of Petrie with peacekeepers behind them. "I'm sure you're all a delightful bunch, Harriet, Mia, James, Christian and Aniya." The people from group C move around taking seats.

" We have more surprises coming our way..." gushed Petrie as three boys come in. "Let's welcome these boys, Nick, Raymond and Jing Kai. I can see they're very eager." This trio was scanning the dining room left and right, ice cold stares and fidgeting around. They hurried in, sat down and kept to themselves. 

"lol look at all those asians." teased Jess.

Petrie inspects the room, "That should be everyone..." pausing and continued excitedly  "Let's now welcome Mr Ashley Johansen our gamekeeper." A silhouette entered the room in a long purple robe that seems small in his tall build, the tension in the room was high. He glided along his robes and took centre stage. 

"Now I know your all very nervous and don't want to hurt your friends, but only one of you is emerging victorious so it's smarter to use your assumed knowledge and just go for each others throats and finish the games quick and get it over with."                                         


"I will quickly explain the basics for those who don't watch the show, alliances are allowed, individuals can get sponsors which include their current teachers, only one winner will remain victorious. We are skipping training and introductions due to lack of funding and you will all be sent into the arena later today." Eammon shouted "What the FUCK! THAT AIN'T FAIR!" 

"LANGUAGE!" Petrie remarked.

Alix joined in with a fist in the air and yelled "We don't want to be part of this!!" Christian stood up, followed by Mia, and everyone else followed. The dining hall was in uproar. Ashley pushed a button and everyone in the hall was forced back into their seats, but a force in their minds. Ashley spoke up. "I can control all of you, anytime and anywhere." About half an hour of gloating continued from Ashley. Petrie scans the room declared coldly "Let the games begin." 

Everyone was sitting in the room, panicking. Mia was crying, hugging her best friend Christian. Harriet and Mila were talking together about their dogs, distracting themselves. Jess was trying to get some distance from everyone. Seb and Eammon were holding Tayah back form running into a wall to try and kill herself, and was finally stopped when Lachlan broke down. Will, Jasmine and Julia seemed to find some comfort rehearsing memes and soon Ryan joined in. Angus and Alix were the only two discussing battle stats, aside from the asians. James and Aniya just sat down wondering what they've got themselves in to. The clock kept running until midday, and everyone went to their rooms. In just a few minutes, their version of the Hunger Games would begin.

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