A Power Duo Forms

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In the middle of the night, the sharp cold breeze passed by the church. It was scarily quiet, aside from Ryans moderately loud breathing. The dusty old carpet was the bed. James kept guard by the entrance while everyone was trying to sleep. Jess moved around the floor, trying to find a sleeping position. She placed her head on a shield as a pillow. She thought about how she could escape as she hated being with these people. Even though she loved them she knew she couldn't depend on them to survive. She then got up, and sneaked over to the wall of weapons, grabbed a spare dagger and stuck it in her jacket. She stole one of the backpacks and placed gently an empty water bottle, a box of matches, and quietly pulls down a machete, but grabbed the sharp edge and slit her finger open. Although it stung like a motherfucker she kept her mouth shut and began to step over the bodies sleeping on the floor.  

It was too obvious she was sneaking around. She passed over Christian, while James turned around. She looked over at him and saw his eyes were open, looking at her. He was shocked and began to stand up, but Jess hopped over like a mouse and got to him before he was able to extend a knee. "Can't have any loose ends." She snarked and one corner of her mouth crept up in a smile. James looked up at her quizzingly and turned his head, then he felt stabbing pain in his abdominal area. It was warm and sticky, but not the good kind. He looked down to see a red flower blooming from the stab wound, and Jess began to drag the machete up and slit open his chest. At this point James had begun to shriek so violently the whole church had awoken, and they all clambered into the farthest corner. The cannon blew Jess laughed hysterically and ran deep into the woods where she remembered she saw Julia go the before. She thought to herself 'If I can pair up with Julia, we can survive.' As she ran, Mia shouted across the arena calling her "a fucking coward" however, it did nothing but fuelled her desire to win the games. 

Further into the forest, next to the river, the trio of boys set up camp. It was early morning and Eammon had caught an innocent rabbit wandering by, about to bring it back to camp. Angus looked at it sadly and laughed "Hahaha it kind of looks like Hodor" Eammon looked down in sadness, and Angus felt a twinge of guilt in his chest. In the distance, Seb had just taken a massive bear shit in the woods and wandered back, acting like he was still at home with Oreo and Luna. "Hey, guys" he sighed. The trio had prepared the rabbit by lighting a fire and finished their measly meal of a fat rabbit. Seb claimed that it wasn't as good as a guinea pig and Angus was disgusted. Eammon took charge of the situation and acted as leader of the pack. "Alright, boys LISTEN UP! I'm here to survive, and I'm here to take you boys to VICTORY!" Seb and Angus both shouted their woofing noises in agreement. Eammon then continued "No one here is going to attack us, maybe those Asians but they don't matter. We are going to hunt down every single one of those survivors, beginning with whoever is in the cornucopia. We need those supplies." He gestured to the direction of the cornucopia and began laying out a strategy of attack. 

Seb stood up suddenly and was about to comment on the plan when a wooden arrow shot straight through his heart.  Angus caught him like a damsel in distress and began to scream in anguish. The cannon blew. Eammon was furious, he looked through the trees and saw Jing-Kai far off in the distance carrying a hand made bow. He then burst into a full sprint after him. Jing-Kai was also running at maximum speed but was no match to the Eammon's wrath, and was soon caught and tackled to the ground. "WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS! TO MY SON, MY BOY!" Eammon was yelling through tears. Jing-Kai was down on the ground panting "You're the toughest competition in the group, better to take you out first." He then whistled and grinned at Eammon. They waited but nothing had happened.. Jing-Kai had a mask of panic coming onto his face, as he realised Nick and Raymond had abandoned him. Eammon spat on his face and punched him in the mouth until most of his teeth were knocked out and his eyes were so red you couldn't see them anymore. When he was sure he had died horrifically, Eammon stood up and howled into the sky. The cannon blew again. He slowly returned to the sight of Seb's corpse on the ground. He sees Angus over by a tree who was punching it. "Its ok Angus" Eammon whispered. "We'll get them back for this." Then they both walked along the river.

Time had passed by, in the coldest depths of the mountains where the group of Lachlan, Tayah and Alix were freezing their asses off. "LACHLAN I'M SICK OF YOUR GIRLFRIEND ALWAYS TELLING ME SHE WANTS TO FUCKING DIE! ENOUGH ALREADY" Alix had hit his breaking point with Tayah, she knew it wasn't the best situation to yell. "WE COULD'VE HAD A MUCH BETTER POSITION RIGHT NOW IF SHE HADN'T STOPPED FUCKING CRYING." Alix was furious but at least her anger made her somewhat warm. Tayah snapped back "FUCK I'M SORRY! I DON'T EVEN WANT TO BE HERE, I'M ONLY HERE FOR LACHLAN." Lachlan was hugging Tayah, he gave glances at Alix as if he had said 'You shouldn't have said that.' Alix had enough "FUCKING CUNTS. BOTH OF YOU." She screamed loud and clear. There she made a decision to leave the group running on the opposite side of the pair. "FINE, SEE IF WE CARE!" Lachlan yelled as he turned back to check on Tayah except she wasn't there. He frantically looks around and sees her running straight up a mountain near the cliffs. "TAYAH COME BACK!" he sprints towards her but Tayah already had a solid headstart and reached the cliffs well before him. "IM SORRY, I LOVE YOU... BUT I CAN'T DO THIS." Then she jumped off the cliff just before Lachlan was able to grab her. It seemed like slow motion as he watched her fall. She made one last connection with her eyes before she hit the ground with such an impact that Lachlan could feel her head explode. Alix who was running could hear the curdling scream of Lachlan and the cannon that notified Tayah's death. She stopped and look back but had already made up her mind and kept moving. Lachlan mourned on the cliffs, he chanted against the ground smashing his fist saying "This is Alix's fault." Suddenly a fiery desire resonated in him and began to move along wanting revenge, just like Eammon and Angus.

Just before sunset, Jessica found Julia sleeping in a small cave. She woke her up by shrugging her shoulder. "Awuwuwuw Natsu mmmm" Julia moaned as she awoke, then saw Jess. She wasn't scared at all, in fact, she was happy to see her. Julia looked at Jess who clearly had been through 'stuff.' Jess was shaking and spoke "Can we team up? Mila just murdered James... and I'm really scared. I don't want to die." She began to fake cry, and Julia hugged her. "Of course" she embraced her in a bear hug. Jess brought out her spare dagger and gave it to Julia. They made a blood pact by trading blood with a cut in their hands and were officially united... except Julia had no idea of Jess' deceit.


DAY 2 [From 24:00 till 20:00]

* 4 cannons were heard signifying the dead, 13 are remaining. *

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