" :) "

22 0 0

As Mia woke up, she immediately felt the sharp pain in her leg. "GAH!!" She made an angry noise as she noticed her leg was wrapped up in a banana leaf. Mia moved her leg slightly and felt the inflicting pain. She looked around nervously, and saw Ryan watching her attentively. "Afternoon." he said cheerily, with a small smile. "What happened?" Mia asked, about to peel the leaf back. Ryan rushed onto her stopping her hand and held it. "Your leg was split by Nick, but he's gone now. I saved you :)." Mia wondered how Ryan managed to say ":)" in a sentence. "Wheres everyone else?" She asked him in a panic. ":)" Is all Ryan responded with. Mia felt a weird vibe. She realised needed to get away from him as soon as possible. "Hey Ryan... could you maybe get me some water from the river?" She actually had no idea if there was a river nearby, but hoped there was. Ryan responded with a ":)" and left to fetch her some aqua. 

As soon as he was out of of her sight, she stood up with a loud grunt and began to speed walk as fast as she could. This was her chance to escape. Alarmingly, Mia sped up when she heard ":)" coming up behind her. It was getting closer, but when she turned around she couldn't see Ryan. She kept going. After a few minutes she heard someone, and headed towards them not thinking about who it was, Mia was hoping not to be greeted with a creepy Ryan saying ":)". But it was. except now it was becoming a ">:))". She began to whimper as he crept behind her. Mia was desperate for an escape and spots Alix. "ALIX HELP!" She shouted. Alix then went into a defensive position and scanned the area. The she spotted Ryan coming full speed towards Alix "What the SHIT" She looked at Mia extremely puzzled. Then as Ryan got to her, she uppercutted him straight in the nose, then Ryan got up again and began staring at them. Mia chimed in "I think he's been possessed by the game keepers or something?? I've never seen him like this.' Then all of a sudden Ryan changed into ":(" and evaporated. The cannon went off halfheartedly, echoing in the forest and Mia and Alix exchange looks. They scanned the area, with no signs of danger. Alix caught Mia up with the story of Lachlan and Tayah, and once Mia thought to explain how the cornucopia was empty, the two had made an alliance heading to the cornucopia.

Angus and Eammon were still in C-Block when they decided they should move out. They were re-packing all the things they had collected, keeping special care of the syringe from Scotty, when Angus's back straightened and he lifted his head up like a meerkat. "Whats wrong?" Eammon asked him. "I smell Mi-Goreng." Then out of nowhere, Lachlan came out from the ceiling, landing straight on Eammon. He had managed to design a makeshift knife with the bones of Christians rib cage. Although Angus wanted nothing more than to help Eammon, he was frozen in fear. He did not want to hurt Lachlan either. The longer he waited, the more likely one of them was going to die without any involvement. Angus spots the syringe from Eammon's pocket rolling down the floor. He made a split decision, and injected the serum into his arm. Eammon and Lachlan both froze and looked at him. Angus was transforming; he tripled in size, with his skin going into a purple complexion. His veins were bulging from him. Angus roared like a tyrannosaurus rex, and charged onto Lachlan biting his neck. Lachlan jumped off Eammon, began to hold his neck to stop the bleeding but the gaping hole Angus had bit kept bleeding. He sunk to the floor and began drowning in his own blood. Angus had let another roar simultaneously as the cannon fired.

Eammon was caught by surprise and went over to Angus calming him down. However, Eammon made the crucial mistake of saying "Nice work" and decided to spank Angus's ass just for fun. This seemed to set off a primal rage inside of Angus, as he grabbed Eammon's arm and flung him off of C-Block. Eammon had always debated whether or not jumping from C-Block would kill him before. The answer was yes. The sound of the cannon fired and Angus jumped to the bottom, barely feeling the impact. He ran into the woods and regain conscious, realising what he had done. 

Julia and Jess spent the whole day resting and talking about what they had bene through so far. It was a pleasant time, considering the situation. They were almost enjoying themselves until they felt homesick. "I just want to see Ash." Julia whispered. Jess barely heard her, and was lost in her own thoughts. "Its ok, we'll be out of here soon." Julia suddenly flared responding "But we won't! At least not both of us. There's only one winner." Jess had realised this too, and knew when the time came, she could kill whoever she needed to. "Hey, don't think about that ok. I could never hurt you." The two had sat in silence for the rest of the night, looking at the sky where the dead are displayed.

Raymond was still nowhere to be seen, not even by the gamemakers. 


Day 5 [06:00 till 20:00]

*3 Cannons were fired today, 6 are remaining in the game*

*3 Cannons were fired today, 6 are remaining in the game*

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