Glitch in the system

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As the players made their way to survive, the game was seemingly coming to an end. There were only 6 tributes left in the arena; Alix, Mia, Jess, Julia, Angus and Raymond. The gamekeepers constantly kept a close watch on them except Raymond where he remained illusive and never seen in game. In the control room, gamekeepers and Mr Petrie focused on this problem and discussed ideas.

"Mr. Petrie, I'm afraid we still can't find the shifty asian kid."said Brad the technical gamemaker. " check the surveillance cameras on C block again..." replied Petrie. Daniel was too tired, the games were meant to provide entertainment but he clearly wasn't enjoying it at all.

 "Daniel." Petrie turned around and saw Mr. Gleeson's face. The president of the capitol. "I assume things are going well."

"Yes they are Tony." He replied.

"It's been going for almost a week now." Gleeson circled around Petrie "Make sure it gets finished soon. We're putting a lot of money into this."

"Well I don't know about tha-" Daniel replied.

Gleeson put his face against Daniel. "Remember when I hired you? I trusted your initiatives would provide a greater sense in the world. I'll make a deal, do well and i'll give my blessing on Road to Bethlehem or that stupid $11 million building." This was a threat and Gleeson meant it. The president walks against the stairs making his exit. Petrie made his mind up and decided to rush the games along, ordering his coworkers to do the work.

The next morning, Jess had woken up at their camp. She yawned and stretched her body and eventually got up from her makeshift bed. Jess peeked at Julia's bed and hears her moaning about Natsu again; she's still sleeping. She decided it was time to hunt for breakfast for both of them and wandered on the forest. During her walk she realised that there were only few people left that paranoia started to kick in "Is Julia planning on killing me? nah bruh, she couldn't." She kept questioning herself and her ally. Not only was she lost in thought, but she was actually getting lost. Jess had walked into a new area of the forest. She spotted something in the bush, "an empty syringe?" She wondered out loud and bent to pick it up. Jess had a thought and headed back (somehow) to where she had placed a shitty trap beforehand. Surprisingly it managed to catch a rabbit. As she looked at her surroundings she spots a weird red coloured tree. The roots spread throughout and the trunk was bent. Jess spots sap oozing from the branches and realised it was not ordinary sap but a lethal and deadly one. "Well that was quick." spoke Jess. She pulled out the syringe and filled it with the sap. Jess walked back carrying the syringe in one of her pockets. Jess returned to her thoughts thinking that it's not necessary to tell Julia about this, instead this syringe was for her own self defence. Jess spots her camp spotting Julia making a small fire and eventually feasting on the rabbit she had caught.

Mia and Alix were now walking along the border of the school and forest area, aimlessly discussing whether cats or dogs were better. This took a turn, as their friendly discussion turned into an aggressive argument. "Cats are intelligent and elegant! They don't drool all over you like a dog would!" Mia was getting quite upset when Alix responded "Oh so dogs are stupid now are they? I'd like to see YOU outsmart my puppers Loki!" Mia usually wasn't the loud type, but being trapped in an enclosed area surrounded by the idea of death really did wonders by grinding her gears.  She shoved Alix hard in the chest and fell to the ground. Alix was completely surprised of this attack. She tried to get up but Mia kicked her hard in the ribs, with Alix screaming in pain. "Mia could you kindly FUCK OFF CUNT!!" She struggled to get up again but Mia picked up a large rock off the ground and was about to throw it straight into Alix's teeth. However as Mia hurled her rock a weird sharp sound of metal travelled through and suddenly Mia's eyes were full of pain. She looked down to see a fully tinted black sword straight down the middle of her body. The sword was violently rushed back and Mia had fell down and eventually revealing Raymond. The cannon had went off and Alix met eyes with Raymond. "Asian CUNT!" Alix became even angrier and jumped up to attack Raymond but he dodged it with ease. Raymond laughed hysterically and begun a full sprint. Oddly enough, it wasn't towards Alix but upwards into the sky. Alix couldn't believe it and yelled at him "I'm calling hacks!" Raymond sneered down at her "Whatcha gonna do bout' it?" and continued his journey to the sky.

"What the fuck is this?" Petrie commented on the sight of a camera finally catching Raymond, as he began to practically fly upwards. "Brad, figure out what he's doing." 

Brad had done some fast typing and technical shit. "Already done sir, fixing the glitch now." Everyone in the control room intensively watched the screens again as Raymond made it considerably high up when he froze in place and began to fall to the ground. Raymond was flustered speeding his fall and landed on the churches' cross outside which was unusually sharp. His body slithered down the cross and his organs peeked out of it.

The sight of him falling was intensified with the sounds of all organs coming out. The canon had burst echoing to the arena. Meanwhile, gamemakers were disgusted by the sight all moaning and grunting while also relived they had fixed the problem.

"Excuse me ladies and gentlemen, stop looking at the boy! It's back to work!" Petrie ordered, and soon multiple camera angles were once again monitoring the other survivors. 

Before the day had come to an end, Angus regained his human conscience again and had been in a constant state of tears and fury for what he had done to his best friend. He decided he would take his anger out on the next person he found, and wandered across the forest where he just so happened to find fire remains on the ground, and headed for them next.


DAY 6 [From 06:00 to 19:00]

* 2 Cannons blew this day signifying the dead, 4 are remaining. *

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2020 ⏰

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