Time to feast, Raymond

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Lachlan had begun his descent to follow Alix further into the snow, leaving Tayah's body in the snowy cliffs beneath. Her corpse lay for about an hour, before Raymond caught the scent and began running towards his next meal. He smelt blood, an explosion of skull and brains. His mouth was watering when he finally made it to her. Raymond knelt down and began to eat her body raw. He spared no ligaments nor bones, and when he had finished, ran back to mountains and he continued on with Nick.

so much hours have passed in the arena that everyone had seemed to lost track of time.

In the centre of the arena, Mila, Christian, Harriet, Mia and Ryan were still sitting in the cornucopia. By this stage in the fight, they had been well stocked on weapons, equipment and food. There was a large supply of food in there which was more than enough to survive on.      "We haven't seen anyone for a few days, maybe we should move on." Ryan announced his idea to the group, only to be matched by Mia , "We can't just leave James's corpse laying here! He was our friend... and Jess fucking killed him." Mia was angry. The group was bickering, then it turned into a fight. It was slowly becoming violent and no one saw Nick enter quickly and grab one of the fencing knives off of the walls and lunge at Christian, but Mia was holding a fencing knife as well, as it was her preference. She parried him swiftly, and they begun to duel. The clashes of the metal echoed throughout the church, and everyone was watching intently. Nick made a crucial move and was able to slice Mia's leg, it opened a large gash and and fell to the ground in a hard thud. Harriet, feeling a storm of courage dived into Nick before he could deliver the killing blow, but was skewered on the fencing knife. It went through her stomach until the base was completely through her. Ryan, seeing his moment, picked up Mia bridal style and ran off with her, leg still bleeding and fencing knife gripped tightly. He disappeared into the forest with his secret crush. Mila and Christian were still standing in the cornucopia with nick, when he snatched a survival pack that Harriet had prepared in case of emergency, and dropped his fencing knife for a katana and ran off again. Christian and Mila looked over at each other, and they seemed to read each others minds. They each grabbed a bag, and took the weapon of their choosing. Mila grabbed a long bow and quivers while Christian held a long whip. They left the church, and headed towards the snow.

Alix was wondering along the snow line lonely, unsure of what to do next. She decided to head to the forest, as she'd be better suited to that area anyway. As she was about to cross the border, an avalanche began in the tallest of the mountains, but it was an unusual avalanche, as when the snow fell, it turned to water, and slowly, the whole biome was transformed into a tsunami. *BOOM* the cannon blew, Alix ran fast into the other biome of trees, and didn't turn back.

*At the same time*

Nick and Raymond were both running form the terrifying depths of water, but Raymond had found a glitch in the system and began running vertically into the sky. He still ran forward, but seemed to hover up at an alarming pace. "RAYMOND HOW YPU DOIN THAT?" Nick screamed at him, as he was hoping for a possible escape. "SORRY NICK, YOU'VE BEEN A BIT OF A PAIN LATELY" Yelled Raymond back down at Nick as he continued to rise. Nick then started cussing violently in Mandarin and kept running, suddenly he swallowed by the water and drowned. The cannon was heard by everyone. Raymond continued running as high as he could, before Petrie rewrote the glitch and Raymond fell into the water, but was able to doggy paddle with the current. When the tsunami had hit the cornucopia, it evaporated into a warm mist, and emerged a new environment. An announcement occurred, it was Daddy Petrie. "A NEW ENVIRONMENT HAS BEEN IMPLEMENTED NEAR THE CORNUCOPIA. IT INCLUDES THE CANTEEN WHICH IS A WAY OF TRADE. PRESENT AN ENEMY'S TONGUE AND YOU WILL BE GRANTED ADVANTAGES. " Then the announcement ended.

Jess and Julia were in the process of un-snaring a large possum from the trap they had made, when Julia heard a light whisper of music coming form above. She looked up worried, and saw a care package floating down to her. It was a light pink, and smelled like lavender. She opened it gingerly, it read "Good on you girls for being a team, Women Empowerment!" ~Robyn Lappin. Inside the package was another note. "How would this help us?" Jess questioned. Julia read it out loud, "It is the night of the long knives in this arena, if she is the Führur ... you are the Rohm." Jess took it, scrunched it and threw it away. The she gestured for Julia to follow her, but Julia understood the message. Then she knew Jessica was not to be trusted.

Eammon and Angus headed to move into the new environment. Suddenly they recognise the infrastructure. It was the college. A replica of St Leo's. Angus spots the canteen which the menu of the new trading system is displayed. Eammon grabs Angus implying they need to go. They headed up the building of C block. The duo broke into room C23 and relaxed. Angus, similarly, heard the chimes indicating of a care package, but this one somehow smelled like Scotland. Eammon was bursting with joy, as he knew who this was from. He opened it and saw a medium sized syringe, with red liquid inside. The sour stench oozed the room. Angus read a note out with his best Scottish accent, "I'm betting on you two winning, the syringe is the be injected before a battle. If it were me, I'd use it on Eammon." ~Carolyn Scott. Eammon took the syringe and kept it in his pockets.

Along the mountains, Christian and Mila had no idea what to do. Wandering around, Christian moaned in boredom. "This isn't as exciting as I had hoped." Mila snapped back at him"Bro literally, this isn't for fun this is for survival. Let's keep going." They kept going for about an hour, until Mila was grabbed from behind. Christian sees Lachlan holding Mila on a lock. "Let her GO!" He yelled. Lachlan was covered in deep scratches, head to toe. "FUCK YOU" Lachlan's eyes were bulging and he was going insane. He began to choke Mila. Her face was turning pink, but Christian revealed his sexy black whip, and snapped it at Lachlan, and he loosened his grip slightly. The whip scarred Lachlan in the knee however, Christians lack of experience led the whip back into his right eye. Christian screamed with tears of red pooling from his face. Lachlan stole the whip and kept hitting him with it violently. Christian was covered in gashes, he began to convulse and had a seizure, he choked on his own spit and the cannon went off . Mila was on the floor, trying to help Christian but didn't know how to. She hadn't realised the cannon was blown she was so focused, then Lachlan kicked her in the back and severely hit her skull. The cannon blew again *BOOM*. Lachlan had left both of their bodies in the tall grass and made his way.


DAY 3 [09:00] to DAY 5 [00:00]

(2 days have passed. The first paragraph about Lachlan is around day 3.)

*4 Cannons were fired the past days, 9 are remaining*

*4 Cannons were fired the past days, 9 are remaining*

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