Starring @Samaira Rajput

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Though I had emailed her all the questions and we didn't have an interactive, rapid-fire session because she was caught up with her studies, but still she answered the questions, which I'm very thankful for, but if we would have an I interactive session, I'm sure I would have enjoyed it very much, because of her unique n smart way answering the questions!

Her works:

Her works:

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P.s: words in bold and italic letters are my thoughts.

1) What is your real name and if Samira is your real name then what is the weird nickname you have ever got?

Well, my real name is not Samaira Rajput, It is Isha Aggarwal. And the weird nickname is Ishiye . I know it is weird but I guess that's what best friends do with your name.

2) Ur Bday?

14 June

3) Qualification?

I am Still in School. Doing my 12th. Medical student.

All the best with your 12th! 😊👍

4) Your favourite book on Wattpad?

There are many. Can't name one.

5) Who inspired you to write?

MaNan and the love they share.

6) Do you believe in love at first sight?

Yes, I do. And I really hope to experience it.


7) Your definition of trust?

For me, trust is the base of every relation. It takes years to build it and a single lie to break it.

8) Most used app on your phone?

Wattpad and Snapchat!

9) What are the things we would find as soon as we enter your bedroom?

Books not because I am very studious. It is just that I never pick up my books after I am done studying. So they are also scattered all over the place. And second, would be my headphones. Can't live without them.

10) Your biggest addiction?

Mobile and of course Wattpad!

11) What would be your favourite weapon to murder someone, if you could?

A big shining knife!

That's definitely a game over weapon! 

12) The best actor in today's age?

Well for me the best actor is always SRK from Bollywood and from tellywood no doubt, Parth Samthaan is the best.

13) Animal lover or bird lover?

Bird lover. I like animals too but from a distance

14) Who would you punch directly on face and why?

There are many people in my life and the reasons I can't tell. Somewhat personal so...

We understand!

15) The thing you are proud of?

umm...I don't think there are things like that.

16) How would you sell ice cream in Antarctica?

But why would I sell ice cream at a place where no one lives?

She is a smart cookie!!

17) If you could learn any one skill in the world without training, what would that be and why?

Mind Reading so that I could know who is fake and who is real. 

Who doesn't want this skill right?

18) What is the worst thing you ever did and got away with it?

Well, the worst thing I did is from some months ago or you can say since one to two years I have been distancing myself from everyone. I do regret it now but I can never get away with it.

19) What was your favourite item of clothing as a kid?

Well, I am still a kid and I like every type of clothes. 

I wish I could say this for myself *pout* 

20) How did you find your interview?

Good. Couldn't enjoy it much due to lack of time but still, it was very good and different from the other interviews I have given.

Thank you for giving me this opportunity to connect with every time after a long time.



Once again thank you so much for your time! 

Hope you people have liked the interview!

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