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New york,December 31st,1920

The night streets of New York were glistening with lights,music and chattering coming from every street. The busy part of town was quite a stir,gentlemen with their ladies,or alone,walking and milling about,spending their precious money to enjoy the night before it ends, and they have to do their dull,boring jobs once again.

In one of those streets,flashing with lights and music,stood the "Little Darlin'" cabaret bar.

Ladies,music and drinks,what else would a man want? Although an occasional woman came along,the main audience this colorful place would gain was male.

The star of every nights show was Nancy Drew. A curvy,short,Blonde cabaret dancer with the charisma of a thousand stars. Her pretty face was every man's dream.

She wasn't the greatest at communication,since most of her fans always ended up creepy,but the girl did try to be friendly and kind.

Miss Drew had a lot of troubles outside work. Having lost her son to her own stupidity,she spent her days mourning,and trying to make the world better. Who would have thought that Drinking and driving to pick up your child from a birthday party would end up in an accident?

But this was all in the past,and Nancy had to move on. No matter how much it hurt,she couldn't let her personal struggles interfere with her show.

A photo on her desk of her little baby boy smiled with glee at his mother. Nancy paused as she prepared, looking at the frame with guilt. She turned the frame down so she couldn't see her sons innocent face.

Nancy was doing this for him. Just to pretend that she could provide for little Samuel.That's what a mother does,isn't it?

The guests were already taking seats,sipping whiskey and bourbon, chatting.

Nancy finally put her worries aside,plastering on a smile, thinking of all the people she would make happy tonight just by being on stage. With a fix of the feather in her hair,the blonde stepped out.

Quite instantly the smell of whiskey and cigars hit her nose,making it scrunch up slightly. Her stage was always as perfumed as possible just to avoid the smell,but it did creep in from time to time.

As Nancy started her show,the warm spotlight stroked her body,welcoming like home. The rhythm of her heels hitting the floor aroused the patrons attention,as whistles hit the air. There were a few very smiley faces in the crowd. That's how she knew was doing good,a smile meant a thousand words.

A particular face caught her attention,a happy and intense stare glued onto her. She smiled,spinning around.

The Cabaret rang with music and Nancy's melodic voice,followed by the occasional whistle or obscene comments from the crowd.

Every once in a while,her eyes would catch those same dreamy,glistening,brown ones.

The night progressed, it was nearing 10pm. Nancy's show had ended,and she was hurrying to get changed and relax at the bar. It was new years eve after all,a drink and fireworks would be a lovely end to the year.

Nancy Drew sat down at the bar,waiting for the bartender. One good thing about working in the 'Little Darlin' was the discounts. It wasn't a free drink,but still,less money spent.

While she was waiting,she felt the seat next to her shift as someone sat down.

"Lovely show,darling."

Nancy turned slightly to the source of the voice,smiling.

"Thank you so much. It's lovely to see appreciative people in this bar!"

"Very much sure! My,what a performance! Might i say you took the stage,you really did! The lights,the moves,the body!"

Words spilled out of the man's mouth,complimenting Nancy. That wasn't something she expected,as usually all that came back from men were...not very savoury words. Some propositions at times.

Nancy felt her face light up with a blush,it wasn't everyday you would meet a real gentleman at a place like this.

She covered her face.

"Why thank you ...It's not everyday i get genuinely lovely compliments,sir."

He was so lovely....

"My name is Nancy,it's lovely to see you at my show, sir?..."

"Sean. It's Sean. Now,Miss Nancy..." Sean leaned against the counter, a charming smile on his face.

"Would you accept a free drink? For the amazing entertainment you provided tonight,my sweet darling!"

Was this a good idea?

Nancy smiled,playing with her hair. "Well,i don't think i should be so naive to trust a random man at a bar like this,even if he is as charming as you. But... I will take the risk."

"Fantastic. What would you like my darling dancer? Brandy? Fine wine?"

Nancy blushed,thinking a bit. Maybe new years won't end so bad for her.

"I'd love a martini."

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