Eternity [Epilogue]

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October 28th, 2019, Hell.

The 'Happy' Hotel. Good god that sounded like a total joke. But looking at the princess of hell at the picture show display, Alastor knew she wasn't kidding. The girl really believed in demon redemption.

Ha! Amusing.

Maybe even his attention worthy. He was bored for the past few years after all. No murder, no drama. He got tired of the same things over and over, anyone would.

The Radio Demon calmly turned from the crowd of demons staring at the display, heading off. Maybe this hotel had something. Not potential to work,no. But potential to amuse him.

Alastor could see it in the distance. What a pleasant walk this was. He approached the door.


The princess of hell opened in a few minutes.


Before Alastor could even finish, the girl slammed the door in his face. How rude. But he was persistent. Standing there. Waiting.

Charlie opened the door again.

"LO! May i speak now?"

"You may.."

Enough waiting and formalities. He quickly shook the girl's hand, sliding past her into the hotel.

"Now i'm here, because i want to help! Speaking of that..."

He got cut off by a tiny, angry little grey moth.

All Alastor heard was her incoherent blabbering. He didn't listen, but the man knew what the tiny demoness was saying. He chuckled.

"Dear, if i wanted to hurt anyone here...."

His eyes turned to a mess, the entire air surrounding him glitching and twirling around in static. The Radio Demon wasn't threatening, or angry. He was just showing Vaggie what he meant.

"I would have done so already..."

He snapped back to his happy radio host persona.
"ANYHOW! Do you have any customers besides...that creature."

Alastor motioned his microphone to Angel Dust. He didn't like the spider.


A few weeks had passed. Alastor had his hand on the hotel, even though Charlie still thought he was there to help. With his old cat friend, Husk at the front desk, the hotel was properly open.

The demon redecorated the whole interior of the place as well. At least it didn't look horrendous now.

Now, with a jig in his step, Alastor was walking down the stairs to check on everything. A new smell caught his nose. A new, yet familiar smell.

He stopped at the lobby.

Charlie was talking to a customer... a new customer.

Alastor froze.

The princess was talking to her.

He knew it was her. Hell didn't change her much.

He marched up to the woman.

With a snap, he sent Charlie upstairs.

"Good evening, darling. New to the hotel i presume?"

He politely asked, popping up in front of the newcomer. Without letting her answer, he grabbed her hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet a gal just like yourself. The names Alastor, pleasure to meet you sweetheart. Quite a pleasure."

The short demon girl blushed. She was clueless.

"Thank you-"

"I didn't catch your name,darling?" Alastor interrupted.

"Nancy Drew."

Oh, it was lovely to see her again.

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