Red Flags

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Nancy woke up as the car pulled into a driveway. Sean's gentle touch squeezed her thigh as he smiled.

"We're here,darlin. This restaurant has quite an atmosphere. I'm sure you'll love it."

The woman smiled,stepping out of the car.

Sean was right,the restaurant did look amazing. The large wooden building was decorated with candles and oil lamps for a romantic atmosphere. Several potted plants wrapped around the wooden poles outside. The inside looked even cozier, the silhouettes of people dancing around,some just sitting and eating,some chatting. This place seemed lively.

Sean got out of the car,holding Nancy by her hips.

"Let me get us a table my dear."

It didn't take him too long. Sean walked out and took Nancy's hand.

"The inside is filled up, but there is a lovely table in the backyard of this place. It is usually reserved for VIP guests, but they made an exception for us."

The pair walked to the back,sitting down. The restaurant had already supplied them with complimentary wine. Nancy didn't even care about the food at the moment, she just wanted to spend time with this new lovely gentleman she had just met.

"Ah yes,the venison looks nice. This place always amazes me with their food. What's your preference,dear?"

Sean's soft,jolly voice interrupted her daydreaming.

Nancy blushed,looking at the menu.

"I've always been a steak kinda gal. Especially steak and cheese, it's amazing. Have you ever tried it?"

"Well,if I had it my way,you would be the main course, Sweetheart."

Sean smiled,looking back down to the menu, fixing his glasses.

"What are your thoughts on dessert?"

Was he just going to skip what he just said? Nancy sure wasn't. Her face was flushed red, thoughts running through her head.

She gulped,fixing her hair.

"Well,I'm a big fan of sorbet. Little Sam... M-My son used to love it." She smiled, yet her eyes reflected a completely different emotion.

"You have a son? It doesn't show at all!" Sean winked,looking at her thin waist.

"I had a son...."

"Whatever happened to the poor boy then?"

Nancy took a deep breath,sighing.

"I was a single mother. Samuel was at his friend's 7th birthday, and I was invited to a parent meeting. Of course alcohol was involved. I never was a big drinker,but I figured a glass wouldn't hurt. One glass led to another, and I soon was more intoxicated than I should have been..."

Nancy took a break from talking,taking a hesitant sip of wine.

Sean was leaning on the table,interested in her sad story.

"Well... The party came to a close, and it was time for me to pick Samuel up. Thinking of it now,taking a taxi to pick him up would have been a way smarter decision... But i was stupid. I got into my car and drove to pick my boy up. I was hoping he would just wait for me to pick him up,but I didn't take into account he was never patient. He ran into the road,most likely too bored to wait for his mother to pick him up. Maybe he decided he could walk home by himself,or maybe he just.... I don't know what was on his mind."

Nancy wiped her wet eyes.

"I couldn't swerve or stop in time,and i ran him over. I killed my own son, just because i decided to drink with my friends when I knew full well I had to pick my son up later."

Silence fell on them. Nancy just kind of sat there, fiddling with her fingers, and Sean watched her, a soft smile across his face.

"Would you like to order? You seem to need something to distract you." Sean smiled, reaching over and putting his hand on Nancy's shoulder. He was so caring.

Nancy nodded, smiling.

Sean got up,fixing his jacket. "Let me order for us, sweet cheeks."

Nancy sat alone,waiting for her prince charming to come back. The candles on the small oak table made her feel warm. As the woman looked around,she noticed how beautiful the backyard was. Vines of ivy,oak trees and beautiful lights surrounding the small table she sat at.

All of the peaceful atmosphere was cut short in a second, as gunshots and screams filled the air.

Nancy jumped up,horrified as Sean ran out of the cafe,grabbing the lady by the wrist, dragging her out the back.

"What's happening?!" Nancy cried out,panic in her eyes. Her heels made it harder to run,but she followed the man trying to protect her.

"A shootout. My guess is the restaurant didn't make the mafia too happy, but we need to get out of here first!"

They soon reached a forest clearing. Nancy leaned against a tree, wiping her forehead.

Sean looked towards the restaurant, seemingly a bit too calm after what just happened.

Closing her eyes,the blonde took a deep breath.

"What an evening..."

Nancy felt a sharp pain in her temple. She fell,vision blurry.

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