I'm about to go into my third session for a thorough diagnosis for my mental condition. It's from a colleague here at work and a dear friend.
My current doctor used to be his teacher in his masters degree for guidance and counseling. Now he is taking up his doctoral degree. Part of his requirement is to counsel and thoroughly diagnose a client.
Such procedure is actually expensive, amounting to 40,000 pesos. He's giving it for free. Alhamdulillah.
I am comfortable with him as his sister is my buddy and part of my squad too. He knows everything there is to know about me. I trust my secrets to him.
But, still I am nervous.
I know I have Bipolar and Hypomania. But he sometimes think, my doctor may have diagnosed me wrongly.
It will take several sessions before the results are categorized and interpreted.
I am nervous though. The sessions always drain me actually, emotionally and mentally. I would have to revisit the past and assess my current state and all that.
It's 2 minutes to 2:30. Gotta go. Pray for me.
Here goes. Bismillah.
- Aish 💚