reese burlington

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Ever since that night, I knew Vinnie would be there for me no matter what. I knew it was a while ago but it's still burned in my memory. The bruises on my body, the visits to the courts, everything. How could I forget? They both were on probation for only two months after what they did to me. Shortly after, Nathan moved all the way to California to escape the consequences but I was stuck here with the memories of being raped.

It was getting kind of chilly and I didn't have my hoodie with me, I was only wearing a light jacket. I looked down at my phone and it was dead, of course it would be dead. I started to get tired but didn't want to move. I sat next to a tree and started to doze off. Everytime I started to get comfy, the wind would become greater and caused a cold breeze. I was barely asleep when I heard loud voices inching near me.

"I told you I don't want to go to that party. I don't like anyone there, it's gonna be lame." I heard a male voice say. I looked around and saw a small group of people heading to the park. I started to hug myself because it was so cold and I pushed myself up against the tree more. I was still quite tired and coming out of my dazed state, I didn't notice how close they were.

"Hey, are you okay?" A silhouette of a boy said walking towards me while his friends went to the swings. "Oh- ugh. Yeah, I'm alright." I said standing up, brushing myself off.

"You don't look it." He said gesturing towards my face. I noticed my eyes were most likely red and tears were frozen to my face. I wiped them off and started to move. "Oh no, I'm with my friends. They're at the game."

He looked at me confused. "Sorry to break it to you but the game ended around 9, it's 1." My jaw dropped. I had fallen asleep for this long? How was I gonna get home? Where was Vinnie? Did he even come after me?

"You okay? Wait, aren't you Blair? I met you earlier today." He asked, stepping closer. "I guess my friends left without me." I said but then it dawned on me. "Reese? I thought you weren't coming to the game?" I took out my phone from my pocket then remembered that it was dead; I forgot.

"My friends from my old school came up and we decided to stop by but it was long over. You want a ride home? You look pretty cold." He laughed. "I can't ask you to take me." Reeses' silhouette now had soft brunette wave texture parted in the middle and blue eyes.

"How do you expect to get home then?" I looked around and honestly, I had no idea. I shrugged. "Come on, I got you." He said while smiling. "But, I don't know you." I said giggling. "That's okay, we can get to know each other."

"I.. I'm not sure. I don't want to get caught in something that I don't want to be in." I said taking a step back. "No, no. I don't mean anything like that. I'm Reese, I go to your school now, I'm a senior, I live at 593 East-"

"I got it," I said laughing. "You can use my phone to call someone if you don't feel comfortable with me taking you." The way he said that, I felt like it would be okay. "Okay, I trust you." I hope my trust was right this time.

He walked over to his friends, telling them that he was taking me home. "You're forreal not going to the party?" He looked at me and answered. "I already told you, it's gonna be shitty." He laughed, jogging back to me while his friends just went back to talking and laughing among themselves. "See you dicks later!" He said as they said their goodbyes and name calling.

He started walking towards his car and I followed closely behind. I wasn't sure if this was a good idea but I was praying in my head that everything would be okay. He looked back and smiled at me. A few moments passed by and we stumbled upon his car. "Here we are." He said, throwing his arms towards his car. It was a pretty nice looking car. He opened my door for me and I thanked him. I was pretty caught off guard.

When he got in, he took his hoodie off. "Here," He said, handing me his clothing. "Oh my gosh, no. I feel bad now." I said, hiding my face. "It's okay, you need it more than me. You must be freezing." I blushed a bit and threw the hoodie on. It smelled amazing, almost like the fragrance Sauvage by Dior. I only know that because Vinnie has that cologne. He asked me to type in my address as he got his phone out and handed it to me. As I was typing it in, he pulled away from the curb. I put it in and gave the phone back to him. "Here's a charger," He said, handing me it as I plugged my phone in. "11 minutes, not too far from here."

"So why were you just at the park?" He asked. I didn't know exactly what to say. "Well," He looked at me. " Uhm, I guess I just got into a fight with my friend." He gave me a sincere look. "A fight?" I nodded, "Not physical, but I just walked away and ended up there." He gave me a concerted look. "But why were you there alone? You fell asleep in a random park, which isn't safe."

"I.. I don't know. I just wandered off, I wasn't thinking much of it at the time."

Things were quiet for a few minutes until I felt him look towards me. "Sorry about that." I shrugged and looked out of the window. "You alright?" He asked quietly. I nodded, "Yeah, I'm just a little cold."

"Still? Why didn't you tell me? Here," He put on the heat and pointed them towards me. "There you go," He said smiling. I thanked him and closed my eyes again. I felt his eyes looking at me so I opened them. He then looked back at the road smiling.

"It's okay, you can take a nap, we'll be there soon enough. Just five more minutes, at least that's what Google map says." I didn't want to just fall asleep in his car but I was insanely tired. "Are you sure?" He nodded yet again.

I felt a small push on my shoulder; like someone was trying to wake me up; obviously they were.
I opened my eyes and saw Reese looking into my eyes. "This your house?" I had totally forgotten that he drove me home. I looked up, "Oh fuck, I'm sorry" I said straightening myself up. "You're fine, looks like someone is here for you." He said, pointing to a boy leaning on a car in front of my house. Vinnie was there, he's gonna be so pissed at me.

"Are you gonna be good?" He questioned. I nodded. "Yeah, he's my friend. Thanks for taking me home, I really appreciate it!" He frowned. "It was really nice meeting you, well, you know what I mean. Here," I said, starting to remove the hoodie. "It's okay, you can keep it. I don't need it." He said smiling. "Reese, I can't-"

"You can." He said while I was smiling back at him. I began to open the door then he stopped me. "Wait, can I have your number?" I looked back at Reese. I gave him my number and smiled. "I'll see you" He said as I got out and shut the door. He pulled out, I waved, then looked back at Vinnie

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