friday night lights

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Vinnie and I headed to his house; Gracie couldn't hangout with us because she was running errands with her parents for a few hours. "You wanna go to the game later?" He said, keeping his eyes on the road. "Sure," I started to fall asleep while he was driving. For some reason, I get car sick so whenever I put my head down, you know I'm about to throw up. "You okay? Want me to pull over?" Vinnie asked, looking over at me. "No, do you have any water?" He quickly grabbed his bottle that was in the cup holder. "Here." Handing me the water, I unscrewed the cap and took a few sips. "Thanks. This shit is so annoying, you don't even understand."

"I'm just gonna change my outfit, you coming in?" He asked. I stared at him furrowing my eyebrows, "Does it look like I'm waiting in this hot ass car all day? I'm following." He turned the car off and we both headed to the front door. Vinnie opened it and headed towards his room, which was the first room on the left.


Sitting at the stop light, no other cars were around us. A faint audio of Swim by Chase Atlantic was playing and I could feel my face getting hot. I rolled my window down just a tad while Vinnie was just staring at the road as the rain ricocheted from the windshield to the ground. The red light had a glare that shone so nicely on his face, it made his brown eyes glimmer. I didn't know what to do at that moment, I knew I thought he was attractive. I just felt like I was falling for him. Was I falling for him? Fuck that.

"Vin?" I asked hoping for him to say he loves me just out of the blue. He licked his bottom lip and lifted his right eyebrow. "Hmm?" I don't know why but I was completely perplexed by the way he was looking at me. Oh hell no.
"I was just thinking maybe we shouldn't go-" I was about to tell him we should just skip the game and go cruise around town but his phone rang which caused the music to go down and his ringer to get higher.

"Shit, hold on." He picked up the phone and turned down the radio. The light turned green and we headed to the field. He was on the phone for a few minutes when we pulled into the parking lot of the football field. "Alright, we're here. We'll meet you in five." He said and hung up. I'm guessing it was Gracie who called. He parked his car and took the keys out. I looked at him quickly but then went to open my door. "Hey, what did you want to tell me? I'm sorry, I didn't even realize." I shrugged, not caring about staying anymore. "Somehow I forget, I'll let you know if I remember later." We both stepped out of his car, seeing that it was no longer sprinkling which was a plus.

We walked to the gate, paid for our tickets and walked towards the bleachers. Westmont was a pretty good team so I was excited to see who would win this game, being that it is the third game of the season and we've won twice. Trying to find our seats, we figured out where Gracie was sitting. She was by two boys who I was not fond of at all. These two boys, Ansley and Liam, made me sick. I pulled on Vinnies jacket to get his attention and he looked down at me. "Let's just get Gracie and we'll sit somewhere else," He said, I nodded slightly.

I was behind him and as soon as we came close to them, they looked at me intensely. I got really uncomfortable and grabbed onto his jacket sleeve for more time just so that I would feel a tad bit better. "Blair and I are gonna sit over by Taylor and them, you coming?" He asked Gracie. "Why can't we just sit here? I saved us seats." Gracie said. Vinnie motioned to the two boys on her right. She looked over at them and shrugged. "Come on." She said. "Hey now, we were just heading out to do some shit. Gracie, Blair, you're both welcome to join." Ansley said. Him and Liam stood up and walked towards us, heading down the bleachers. As they were going down, they nudged Vinnies shoulder and left.

"Gracie, why would you tell them they could sit with us? You know how Blair feels about them. In fact, you know how she reacts to seeing them." He kept making me fall harder and harder for him as he spoke. "It's not that serious, I can be friends with them, it happened two years ago. They've changed." Is she really talking about this right now? "Girl, shut up." I said as Vinnie motioned me to sit down. "You really don't care about what happened to me?" I asked, feeling pressure in my chest. "Just because they got you drunk and fucked you doesnt mea-"

My blood was boiling after hearing what she was saying, I couldn't take it. She wasn't there, she didn't know what she was saying. I smacked the drink out of her hand and pushed her down while it flew everywhere, getting her clothes wet and stained. "Fuck you!" I yelled, pacing quickly down the bleachers and out towards the back.

"Gracie! What the fuck?" Vinnie yelled back at her causing the whole student section to stare at them. "What? It's not my fault, I was just saying! She didn't have to freak out like that" Picking herself up and wiping the drink off of her.

When I got to the bottom of the steps, I had noticed that almost everyone in the stands were looking at me and what I did. I felt embarrassed but I was fine with it, she deserved it. I decided to walk towards the road since a small park was nearby. If I went there, I could cool off and head back in a while. I started to tear up whenever I got to the swings because I was so angry. I know what she did wasn't that bad but she's supposed to be my best friend, she shouldn't talk about situations like that so effortlessly in front of me.

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