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Jon adored the way her chest gently rose then fell, the way her hair was sprawled out perfectly across her pillow, the way the furs would just engulf her

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Jon adored the way her chest gently rose then fell, the way her hair was sprawled out perfectly across her pillow, the way the furs would just engulf her. He adored Arabella Baratheon.

He ran a gently hand down her bare back and allowed the sight of her to truly sink in, a woman as gorgeous as her had actually fell in love with him. She actually birthed and bared his children, the greatest gift she could have ever gave him.

He couldn't truly believe how lucky he got, it wasn't until now that he could lie and realise just how lucky he is. Not long ago he was nothing but a bastard boy fighting in a stables now he is the husband to the most gorgeous woman he had ever lay eyes on.

He wiped the single tear from his eye that he didn't even know had formed, he had mistreated Arabella badly, he hadn't thought about it until now. He shouldn't be here, he couldn't fight for Daenerys not when his wife was so against it.

He needed to trust Arabella.

She had gone through hell and back but always stayed by his side, when he died she could've left, she could've ran and fought for the throne leaving him behind, but she didn't she stayed by his side mourning his death and instead of fighting for a silly throne she fought for his life to be returned. She stayed but he didn't, he wasn't staying for her, he was fighting for the wrong woman.

He needed to fight for her, he needs to stay by her side and that's why Jon Snow made up his mind loud and clear, he would fight for Arabella, he would fight for his throne, with her by his side.

He was going to betray Daenerys.

"Quit staring it's creepy." She mumbled, stirring in the bed.

He grinned running a hand down her back "How could I help it when my wife is so stunning."

"Stop Jon, your making me blush." She teased, she slowly turning and wrapped herself in his arms warming up due to the gentle rise and fall of his chest.

"I love making you blush" He smirked running a hand over her cheek.

"You seem upset?" She whispered, her hand found its way up to his hair and she started to gently play with it knowing it would relax the nerves creeping up to him, for a reason she didn't know.

"Would you rather stay in the North? Or South?" He asks.

She gulped sitting up "I.." She paused slowly closing her eyes "North, it's a better place for our children to grow, to enjoy their life to the fullest.. But the South, it's where you should be Jon, as king."

He hummed imagining little Robbie fighting with the smallest of swords just like Arya, he could imagine Dove swooning over boys, he could imagine Arabella carrying their third.

He could imagine a life in the North.

"Sophia, could become queen." He whispered.

Arabella nodded "She could."

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