Chapter 13

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Over the next few days, Eric returns to my bedroom with daily kelp concoctions and fresh bandages.

Our awkward silences progress from unwarranted chatter to in depth conversations about what he's doing for the day, his duties as a prince in this land and anything and everything that has nothing to do with anything at all.

In this time, I learn that Eric's "puppy" has been staying in the servant quarters to keep him away from me. I learn that Eric's father is away visiting another part of the human world and that the human world is much larger than I had originally thought.

I teach Eric how to correctly use kelp to tend to shallow wounds and treat his hands that have so many bandages on them, they look like giant snowballs. 

He tells me that he didn't want Carlotta to see and I can't say I blame him, but the dressing is messy and inefficient. He's unsure about allowing me to treat him but eventually he gives in.

On several occasions I find myself blushing, especially when he accompanies me to the bathing quarters. Not that he enters. He stays outside the door, keeping me company until I finish, but still my cheeks flame regardless.

I've never thought about how humans would have to submerge themselves in water on a regular basis to bathe. Mermaids are almost always clean so it never crossed my mind that humans weren't clean just the same. Yet another flaw I've found in being a human.

After the last few days though, I have found more reasons to stay human. Listening to Eric tell stories about the human world, I find that I don't mind being stuck here as much as I thought I would.

Especially now that my magic was starting to return. It's slow coming but it's there. And somewhere in the back of my mind, I'm sure Eric has something to do with me not minding as much as well but I don't quite want to admit it to myself yet.

Lying down in my bed tonight, I muse to myself about my journey to the human world so far. A lot of things happened that I didn't expect.

Triton was right, I hadn't thought this all the way through. But I'm glad I didn't, otherwise I never would have done it.

Just as my eyes flutter closed, resting for the night, I hear a bone chilling scream.

Slowly I lift myself from the bed and press my back up against the wall next to the frame. My eyes never leave the door.

My hand crawls down the wall eventually wrapping around the candle on the nightstand. Hesitantly, I let my eyes drift close and let a flame materialize behind my eyes. It dances in my mind glowing brighter until I can only see white behind my closed lids.

The soft crackling of the flame causes me to open my eyes, the candle in my hand has lit and the fire dances similar to how I had imagined it would.

With a quick glance around the room, I bound towards the large mirror across the room and hunch down next to it. After moments pass, I continue across the room hiding next to other pieces of furniture in the same manner until I push my back up against the wall next to the door.

Pushing on the handle, the door creaks open just enough for me to peer into the hallway. Empty, just as I knew it would be.

I slip into the hallway as another shriek sounds through the corridor. Walking down the hall, I follow the faint grunting sounds followed by another ear-splitting cry until I am standing outside the door muffling these sounds.

When I enter, I find the raven-haired boy thrashing about on his bed.

"Eric," I call.

The boy continues to flip from side to side, a low groan escaping his lips. I walk further into the room and realize he is asleep. A nightmare.

Gently, I grip his shoulders and shake him awake. It takes several firm shakes before his eyes shoot open.

"V-Vanessa," he rasps. His chest heaves up and down as he catches his breath and he pushes himself up on his hands. "Sorry, did I wake you?"

I nod silently and sit on the bed beside him.

"I've had these nightmares for years. After a few months, my parents moved my room to this wing." He chuckles softly. "Even the servants stopped coming to check in on me after a year or two," the side of his mouth curls up in an attempt at a smile. His distant eyes hint at years of loneliness.

He's like me.

"Then I will. I will check on you."

The shock on his face mirrors my inner thoughts. Where did that come from?

Embarrassed, I quickly stand from the bed and turn to leave. His warm fingers wrap around my wrist, holding me in place. "Stay with me? Just for a bit, I mean."

His eyes capture mine and I know that I can't say no. He moves over and allows me to lay down, him under the covers and me on top of them. We both stare at the ceiling listening to the sound of the other's breathing.

"You're awfully quiet over there."

"You asked me to stay, not to talk." I remind him.

He laughs. A real one. "You're always true to yourself. I'm envious of that." His hand finds mine and covers it. My breathing speeds up along with my heartbeat but I don't remove my hand from under his.

"What do you dream about that causes you to scream that way?"

He stills next to me. Moments pass in silence and finally, his voice comes out a strangled whisper. "I dreamt I was at my funeral again."

My head rolls to the side to look at him. "Again?"

His eyes stay focused on the ceiling and his hand squeezes mine, giving him courage. "Since I was a boy, I've had a fear of the sea. I mean, who can see under those dark waters and no one knows what is down there for sure."

I still.

"You bring me fresh kelp every day..." The weight of his actions slap me across the face. How could I not know that him bringing me kelp every day personally meant so much more than I thought it did.

His fingers thread through mine. "And I will continue doing so for as long as you are here."

Hearing his words, I wonder if he would fear me if I told him I was from the sea. Not that I'll ever know but the thought saddens me for some reason.

"My nightmares started once I was old enough to go seafaring. Regardless of the length of the trip, I would be on pins and needles the whole time during the voyage," he explains.

"But you live on the sea. Why live here if you hate it?"

"Such is the duty of the royal family." His head lulls to the side, holding my gaze. "Because our subjects expect protection from any enemy invasions, we set up our fleet and our home along the beach." 

My family motto rings in my head. 'It's what we do, it's what we live for.'

We talk about other random things that come to mind through the night. Eric tells me more stories about Denmark, about their customs and celebrations, his family, the people, and even his little monster of a pet.

Eventually the sun peeks out over the horizon.

"You should go, before the servants wake. I'm sure they will make a big fuss about a boy and girl sharing their quarters through the night."

"We only talked."

He shakes his head. "Doesn't matter. Besides, don't you ever sleep?"

I smirk, possibly for the first time since I have been in this prison on land, and stand up from the bed. 

Author's Note: Chapter originally published November 11th, revised November 24th.

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