Just a little bit of your heart

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♫ Just a little bit of your heart
Just a little bit is all I'm asking for

♩♫ Just a little bit of your heart Just a little bit is all I'm asking for ♩♫_____

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Song- Just a little bit of your Heart

"I'm not asking for much, all I want is just a bit." She asked tearily.

"All I want is just a place in your heart that's all I'm asking for." She adds.

"Why is it so hard for you to?"

"Veronica, I can't I'm sorry." He says walking backwards.


"Please.." She adds softly, tears streaming down her face rapidly.

"Don't give up on us." She whispered.

"I'm sorry. It's not going to work out." And with those words he left her.

A broken mess in the pops parking lot.
A sobbing, distraught mess.
All because she was just asking for a bit of love from a boy. But he decided to love someone else and it was left alone, her heart shattered.
Just like her feelings.

Whatever feeling of hope she had was gone. She couldn't face it anymore.

I don't ever tell you how I really feel

She held in her emotions, she saw the signs. He was slowly slipping through her fingers and there was nothing she could do about it. She could convince him to stay but he would just later leave her like she didn't mean anything. As if she was nothing more.

Cause I can't find the words to say what I mean

She hesitated every time she said anything to him. She didn't know what to say when she was feeling low, because like most times he brushed it off and would say It'll go away tomorrow.
But it never truly did. The feeling would linger and it was not made her mental state weaker. She felt that she was being manipulated, but she didn't want to let go.

And nothing's ever easy

And it certainly wasn't. She wanted to latch onto whatever false hope she had left. But it was no use, it was time for her to let go.

That's what they say

It was time for her to move on. He didn't care about her feelings, he just wanted the popular girl in school and he got that. He wanted fun and excitement, he got dull and bland.

I know I'm not your only

That she knew, he was sneaking around after he spent the night at her house. The next day he wouldn't be here, there would be nothing but empty sheets and she came to terms with that. But she didn't want to let him go because she was a fool.

But I'll still be a fool

She knew about all of his infidelity but she didn't let him go when she saw the signs.

'Cause I'm a fool for you

She couldn't help it, she just wanted the delusion of love. But she knew it wasn't reciprocated but she tricked herself into thinking so. It was going to come crashing down on her eventually.

Just a little bit of your heart

Her confrontation, the one she initiated ended in heartbreak for her and not the other way around.

Just a little bit of your heart is all I want

All she ever wanted was to be loved and she wanted someone to love her unconditionally but she couldn't have the least bit of happiness. It had to be shattered in a parking lot along with her heart.

Varchie OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now