Does he know?

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Just so you know, I've written smut in this chapter because it seemed fitting because this song is about cheating. Just the heads up.

She went out for the night wearing a tight black strapless dress that clung to her curves. It was just a fun night for her, one night where she doesn't have anyone watching her. One night where she could let loose and give her a new start to the week by washing away all of her struggles in one place.

Her heels clicked against the floor as she walked out of the house, her curls bouncing on her shoulders as she walked.

He knows about you in every way

She told Reggie that she was going out so he didn't have to worry. She never did anything at the club except get drunk out of her mind to have a good time. It's not like she didn't share with him, she was open in her relationship so she had nothing to hide. He knows everything about her.

He's memorized every part of your face

They've been together for years, so they had a lot of trust in their relationship. The kind of trust that couldn't be broken.

Inside and out, baby, head to toe

He knows all of her insecurities, her sweet spots, the spots that make her curl her toes.

Yeah he knows everything there is to know

He knows all the common knowledge he should know.

You're secret tattoo, the way you change moods

The songs that you sing when you're all alone

You're favorite band, and they way you dance

But baby, baby

He turned on the bar stool and looked out at the crowd absently sipping his glass. His eyes locking onto a body, her black skintight dress and her dark locks. He licked his lips, his night just got a whole lot more interesting.

Doe he know you can move it like that?

The way she danced sensually to the music, her body grinding into the person behind her with no care in the world. He sets the glass on the counter and makes his way into the crowd maneuvering his way through the crowd.  

Does he know you're out and I want you so bad?

He couldn't take his eyes off of her, his focus was on her only. His eyes hungrily scanning over her body, slowly drinking her in with his eyes. He casually pushes up against her back, but she didn't mind. She preceded to press her hips into him as if it was nothing and carried on dancing to the beat. He placed his hands on her waist and started grinding to the beat the same rhythm when she swayed her hips. He leaned down his breath hitting the back of her neck.

Tonight you're mine, baby

The dancing started turning sensual, more intimate as if no one else was in the room. Her breaths starting to go uneasy, she shouldn't be feeling this way when she has a boyfriend but she couldn't resist it. She turned around their breaths mingling together when she leaned up and captured his lips with her own gripping onto his jacket pulling him closer.

Does he know that you'll never go back?

Moments later she was pushed up against a door being held up by his hands her legs wrapping around this waist, her hands traveling up to his neck pulling him closer to her lips. Her heels hit the floor with a low thud as they continued to kiss heatedly against the door. Her hands started traveling down his body gripping onto his belt. She starts to unbuckle it, causing him to bite down on her lip causing her to gasp from the shock of pain. He slipped his tongue into her mouth and started to explore her mouth with his tongue. She felt his hands start to travel to her back grasping ahold of her dress zipper and pulling it down roughly.

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