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On a Thursday afternoon, class was let out for lunch. College student Kudo Shinichi wanders the streets close to his college for lunch. He took his time, lunch was two hours. As he scans the streets, he spots a small and colorful store with flowers overflowing the front. The store was certainly an eye catcher with its flowers and colors compared to the bleak buildings surrounding it.
Shinichi could feel a strange pull toward the store. He couldn't explain it. He decided to make a quick pit stop. As he came up to the front, he could smell the mixture of flower
scents...and a lot of water.
He crossed the threshold through the door with a jingle ringing throughout the tiny store. As he looked around, he could see reds, violets, blues, every color you could probably name outlining the bottoms of walls.
"Good afternoon," a voice called out, "can I help you with anything?"
Shinichi looked over at the cash register where a young man, around his own age, rounded the counter to approach him. The boy looked almost exactly like him, except for the hair. His hair looked crazier, kind of like the back of a hedgehog, and his eyes were a slightly lighter shade of blue. Azure, Shinichi guessed. He had an aura of mischievousness but still pure-hearted.
"Good afternoon," Shinichi replied. "Just looking around."
"Well, if you need any assistance, just call me." The boy have a slight grin as he turned and made his way back to the cash register.
"And what should I call?"
The boy looks back to Shinichi. "Call me Kuroba. Kuroba or Kaito, whichever you prefer." He shrugs and holds out a hand for a shake.
Shinichi takes hold of his hand with his own and shakes once. "And I'm Kudo Shinichi. Pleasure." His hands are actually pretty soft, Shinichi thinks.
"Ah, I see. So you're the famous high school detective. Thought you looked familiar." Kuroba says. "Never thought I'd meet you, let alone in a no-name flower shop."
"Well, there's a first time for everything." Shinichi retorts. "You can never know who you're gonna meet."
"Well, if that's the case..." a poof was heard and something like white smoke surrounded Kuroba's right hand. The white smoke lifted, revealing a rose. "For our first meeting, O Great Detective."
Great Detective? Shinichi repeated in his head. That name sounds familiar, but from where? A small voice from the back of Shinichi's head could be heard repeating Great Detective, Great Detective, Great Detective. He does a mental head shake and carefully takes the rose.
"Where did this came from?" Shinichi asked.
"My, you want to know?" Kuroba snickers, holding his index finger up to his lips. "A magician never reveals their secrets, detective."
"Oh, so you're a magician?"
"More like a magician-in-training." Kuroba replies simply.
"I wouldn't mind seeing more of your tricks, Mr. Magician." Shinichi says slyly. "Maybe your 'magic' isn't magic at all. Just the trick of the eyes."
"Is that a challenge?"
Kuroba grins mischievously and opens his arms and hands, like he was welcoming him. "Then let the show begin."

A/N: This is my first story and I'm an amateur at writing so...I'm willing to take constructive criticism. Have a nice day!

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