Time Together

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After meeting in the flower shop about two months ago, Shinichi would go to the shop almost everyday at lunch to watch Kaito's magic tricks and try to figure out the "trick" part. Shinichi would do multiple guesses for each, only for Kaito to neither confirm nor deny his deductions, always saying the same line of "a magician never reveals their secrets," with a sly smile.
It annoyed Shinichi to never get a true answer, but the mystery of the tricks is probably what kept him going.
The mysteries of the tricks is what drives him to Kaito.
As the months passed with endless tricks, the store gained a bit more attention. Not really for the flowers, but for the mini show that was happening within. Customers would buy flowers for an excuse to come in and watch Kaito's performance. The in-between was when Shinichi would talk about his deductions to him.
The more and more attention the shop got, the less time they had to talk. They resorted to meeting after Shinichi's classes and after Kaito gets off shift. They met about once a week, continuing to talk where they last left off before.

They sit in a local park on a bench as joggers, dog walkers, and couples pass by slowly.
"For a 'magician-in-training,' you seem pretty good at magic," Shinichi commented. "To the point where you should just be considered a pro magician." He have a slight smirk to Kaito as he sipped his coffee.
"There's more I could learn." Kaito replied. "The tricks I do are pretty elementary tricks."
"Elementary?" Shinichi said with disbelief. "There's no way all this magic that you do can be considered elementary."
"I can't saw a person in half." Kaito countered.
"I don't think that magic is your kind of thing," Shinichi said. "More like a close-up magician."
"Close-up, you say?"
"Yeah." Shinichi nodded. "Like the kind of ones do card tricks," another sip of coffee. "I mean, for God's sake, you pull out doves from thin air. Doves."
"True. But I would like to be a pro someday, like..." Kaito cut himself off, never finishing his sentence. He slouched onto the back part of the bench and peered up through the leaves of an oak tree, leaves tussling to the soft breeze and bits of sunlight leaking through. They sat in silence for what felt like a long time.
Today's nice, Kaito thought. He looked over to Shinichi drinking his coffee in silence. Shinichi looks kind of nice too. He looks cute—
"What are you looking at?" Kaito snapped out of his own trance and stared for a second, then sputtered a reply.
"Oh, I was just— um— I..." Kaito stumbles over his words, trying to puzzle together his thoughts. Crap. He was staring and now Shinichi might think he's creepy if he doesn't come up with an excuse.
Shinichi patiently waited for a reply, though he nervously shifted a bit. God, this must be weird. "I was looking at....I think I was just spacing out?" Kaito made it sound a bit more like a question rather than a response. Please take that as a answer.
"Okay." Shinichi slowed his own response and lifted an eyebrow. He's suspicious. He definitely is, but won't say it. Kaito's seen that look before. But from where? He's just met Shinichi. How does he know what Shinichi's thinking just by his facial expressions?
Kaito furrowed his brows in thought, trying to remember where he could have seen the expression. Maybe he made the look during the tricks? No, he would look smug. He racked his brain, going over the past two months, but came up with nothing. He ruffled his hair in silent frustration.
"What is the matter with you?" Shinichi said. Kaito looked back at him.
"Just thinking."
"About?" Shinichi lifted his eyebrow again.
"Things." Kaito responded flatly. "Just...things."

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