Chapter Five

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My thoughts are on the message Harry sent. The feeling I got when I read it felt like he was going to kill me tonight. But I feel like that would be too easy.

My feet take me towards the closet. I open it, my fingers touch almost every single piece of clothing item inside of it.

He said to dress nice...

"Nice..." I repeat the word in a whisper. A black skirt comes to my attention. I take it out and try it on. As I try to find a decent top that would cover my bruises, a turtleneck catches my eye and I know that it will go with this outfit just perfectly. I know it must be ridiculous that I'm trying to actually satisfy this man's wish, but I feel that if I want to stay alive. Then I better obey. At least tonight.

The shoe closet is bigger than what I've thought it would be. Various heels, boots, sneakers and sandals are displayed on the shelves. What I certainly didn't fail to notice is that every single pair of shoes is black. Not one pair is red, blue, white or even green. My eyes travel to the thigh high boots on the very bottom. They are shaped just like a stiletto and they do have a thin heel. I slide them on and look at myself in the mirror.

"You do dress to impress. I like that." I hear the raspy voice next to me. I turn to look and notice him leaning on the doorway.

"I didn't know where we are going, so I just guessed." I comment looking down.

"Look at me." He says, but somehow, the floor seems too interesting to have my eyes look away from it. He storms towards me and harshly lifts my head.

"I said, look at me!" He says trough greeted teeth. My eyes look at him carefully. His dark eyes watch me intensely.

"Come on, we can't be late, I'll explain everything in the car." He says and walks out. A huge breath leaves my lips as he disappears. I finally gather myself and walk outside the bedroom. Astrid and Thunder are at the bottom of the stairs, I pet them as I walk down.

"They're coming with us." He stands at the door. I nod. He starts walking towards the door that is hidden under the stairs. I've never seen these doors before, at least earlier when I explored the house some more. At least twenty stairs are in front of me. I follow him carefully as Astrid and Thunder follow me. We walk into a huge underground garage. The whole garage is the size of his first floor, but two times bigger. My eyes widen at the number of different cars inside. Each in a certain special color.

He walks to a black Range Rover and tells me to get in. As I sit inside, both Astrid and Thunder jump in the back seat. Seconds later his body enters the drivers side, buckling up his seatbelt.

"Where are you taking me?" I ask looking outside the window.

"We are having dinner with my best friends, where I want you to behave and obey."

"I am not your dog."

"I don't want to hear it! You will listen to everything I say, trough dinner, you are silent, you only talk when you're asked or told to. When we arrive, you always walk next to me, don't wander around, whatever that you need, you ask strictly me. When we sit down, you sit right by my side." He ignores me.

"Are you serious?" I ask with anger in my voice.

"Don't even try talking back to me, because I won't hold myself back at hurting you in front of others. Did I make myself clear?" He asks, but I roll my eyes. He stops at a red light and turns to me.

"Did I make myself clear?" He asks as his hand grabs my neck. I wince.

"Yes!" I say. He finally lets go of me and starts driving.


After ten more minutes of the most dreadful silence in the car, we finally come to a stop. He put in a code and the gates open.

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