First Day (Part 2)

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(y/n) POV

'Well that was great. Remind me to kill myself later' you thought to yourself. Just as you were about to waltz right out of the classroom, a yellow caterpillar-looking thing blocked your way.

"D-Dad?!" You said unable to comprehend what was going on.

"Ah, yes. Now go sit down, I'm a tired teacher."

You knew your dad wasn't in the mood for this so you ran back to your desk IMMEDIATELY. Your classmates didn't know any better so you silently prayed for the loud bunch.

When they finally realized the teacher was in the classroom, your dad started talking. "It took you 8.4 seconds to quiet down. You're here to become heroes, not waste time. Put on your P.E. uniforms and meet me outside in 5 minutes." He pressed a button and a panel in the wall opened up with all your uniforms.

A girl with REALLY pink cheeks raised her hand and said in her cliché, high-pitched anime girl voice, "But sensei, we have orientation today!"

Your dad just sighed, "Yes, but this is U.A, we don't stick to traditions here, so get out of here before I get mad."

"EEK!" She ran out of the classroom and you snickered.

"You too (y/n)... or else..."

"Okay, Aizawa-sensei!" You just wanted to start fights today didn't you?

You booked it to the changing rooms, but before you could get there, you ran into the boy with the dual-colored hair and eyes.

You stumbled into his back and instinctively wrapped your arms around him to steady yourself and closed your eyes.

A couple seconds later, you realized what you were doing and internally cringed while getting yourself together.

"Gomen'nasai!" You quickly said while bowing to him.

He didn't answer; he just looked down at you with his cold, stoic facade.

"Heh." You chuckled nervously, "Anyway, I'm Shinsō (y/n)! Though, you probably already knew that because of that scene this morning. What's your name?" He looked vaguely familiar to you, but you didn't know why.

"... Todoroki... Todoroki Shōto..." He said while turning away. You realized you'd met him before. Because your dad was a Pro Hero, you'd met many other Pros, and sometimes their children. He was the youngest child of the Number 2 Hero: Endeavor, you believed.

You snapped out of it however and kept running to the changing rooms. "Bye Todoroki!" He just sighed in response.

Todoroki POV

I sighed when she left. I don't know why, but she made me feel comfortable. Safe. Not exactly happy, but almost. The only thing I'm sure of is that... I hope she'll talk to me more.

(Time Skip to the Changing Rooms)

You were still kind of embarrassed by what happened with Todoroki, so you didn't talk much. However you decided to apologize to Ashido and Hagakure because of your terrible first impression.

"Hey, Ashido? Hagakure? I... I..." You took a deep breath, too many apologies in one day. "Gomen'nasai!" You bowed even deeper than to Todoroki.

"Oh it's okay Shinsō! We shouldn't have forced ourselves upon you! Anyway, thank you for caring enough to apologize!"

By the time you properly introduced yourself to all the girls of Class 1-A, you were outside.

"Now," your dad said, "we will evaluate how strong you are through the physical tests you know from junior high, except now you can use your quirks. Bakugou, how far could you throw a softball in junior high?"

Broken Mind (Todoroki x Bakugou x Reader) **UNDERGOING EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now