Hero Training (Part 2)

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(y/n) POV

"Yeah guys..." Turns out EVERYONE at the table was scared out of their minds. Especially Denki (for you) and wait... KIRISHIMA?! Kirishima was afraid for Bakugou, and you felt an underlying sadness there. You couldn't help but frown and search deeper into his mind.

You saw his confused feelings; the admiration, the fear, and another emotion you (and apparently Kirishima) couldn't quite understand.

You were so deep into Kirishima's mind, that you didn't notice Denki screaming your name. Then you were vaguely aware of someone picking you up and walking you to class, but you couldn't do anything about it.

Your dream-sequence of Kirishima's life had ended right when the #1 Hero, the Symbol Of Peace himself, All Might barged in the classroom. He said you would have a Foundational Hero Studies class every afternoon, and today you would be doing indoor combat training at Ground Beta, and you would wear your hero costumes.

All Might pressed a button and a panel in the wall opened up with all your hero costumes (a/n Déjà vu?!).

You grabbed yours quickly and went to the locker room.

Your hero costume was a one piece long-sleeve swimsuit-type torso made of black, iridescent nylon with a detachable navy-blue, iridescent silk cape and hood. It showed off your legs a LOT but you were oddly fine with that. You were too lazy to design your own outfit anyway, and what the support company made wasn't half bad.

You went out with the girls to the field and immediately felt uncomfortable. You felt perverted thoughts coming from right next to you, and you felt someone staring at you. You turned to face them and it was some kid with grape-looking hair, whose name you believed to be Mineta.

You quickly started walking in the other direction away from him, but the farther you got the stronger his thoughts got. It was overwhelming, and your quirk wouldn't lower its radius. Just as you thought your mind would split open, you felt a person who you involuntarily started attacking, but soon you could sense a comfortable presence and protective thoughts emanating from this person drowning out Mineta's painful fantasies. You fell into their arms and started to cry.

"Mineta, what did you do to her?" A monotonous voice began to talk, but in the seemingly emotionless voice, you heard and felt simmering anger; a feeling you knew all too well. But this anger wasn't directed at you, it was aimed at dipshit Mineta over there.

"I-I didn't do anything Todoroki, HONEST! Please don't hurt me..." It made you feel satisfied to hear his terrified mind shrieking out.

'Ah so it was Todoroki. Okay. That's-- NOT NORMAL! TODOROKI? HUH?!'

"Daijōbu Todoroki. Arigatō." You looked up at him and smiled.

"Okay Shinsō, just making sure." He gave you a smile that could melt anyone's heart in an instant.

Todoroki POV

I saw (y/n) when she walked out and, DAMN! Her outfit looks pretty se-- NO! I can't do that. Even if she would have me, my father would hurt her just like he did to me and my mother. Or worse, I'd do it. No, I must become her friend, and we must stay mutuals so I can protect her.

Wait, she's running. She looks distressed. I saw Mineta looking at her, but what did he do? What do I do? She has her eyes closed and... I got it.

I wrapped my arms around her lean figure while she was turning, and while she fought at the start, she relaxed into my arms and started to cry. I was furious. Mineta had crossed the line with whatever he did. She was shaking with fear. She looked traumatized.

"Mineta, what did you do to her?"

"I-I didn't do anything Todoroki, HONEST! Please don't hurt me..." God he's such a weakling. Why does he even want to become a hero?

"Daijōbu Todoroki. Arigatō." She looked at me with a smile of genuine appreciation. I didn't even do that much. I just held her in my arms, which could be considered a crime.

"Okay Shinsō, just making sure." She smiled at me again, and walked back with me to the main area.

Bakugou POV

'What's taking them so long, come on. The lesson has to start so I can be number... Holy shit...'

What is Shinsō wearing? And why is my nose bleeding? What's happening to me?

Wait, she looks stressed, is she okay? Wait why do I care? I can't be held back by these extras. But... she's running, she looks scared, she's... WITH HALF-AND-HALF?! WHY IS HE HOLDING HER?! AND WHY IS SHE OK WITH IT?! THAT'S TECHNICALLY A FELONY YOU KNOW!

Again, why do I care? Why do I act so OOC (a/n Out Of Character) in this fanfic when I think about her? I must be allergic to her (a/n I'm so original). Yeah, that's it.

(To be continued)

Broken Mind (Todoroki x Bakugou x Reader) **UNDERGOING EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now