Chapter 22

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Day 6

My last day.

I have no hope and I don't really want to have hope. I have done horrible things, took three lives.
My only hope is to be forgiven for all that I have done where I am going. I didn't mean to take those lives but I understand if I get no mercy.

The smell of the freshly put cheap kibble enters my nose and I realize how hungry I am.
I go for the kibble my whole body feeling heavy with guilt.
They took the pointy eared dog today. A new dog hasn't taken his place yet but they put him down.
I don't understand this madness. Nobody should have the right of taking another beings life.
I didn't like the pointy eared dog a lot but that doesn't mean I don't mind that he is dead.
I am really sick of this place.
It reminds me of when I was put in a cage in my old garden and that's not something I want to remember.
My life started in a cage and it will end in one.

The kibble had a very crunchy and familiar taste. Every bite I take makes me miss my life with John, but I miss him whether I'm eating bad kibble or not.

I hope my end will bring a great beginning. I hope I will be forgiven for all that I've done, wherever I'm going but I don't hope to stay alive.
Of course I wouldn't mind staying alive because like most beings I like living but I don't know if I deserve life.

I guess that's not for me to decide...

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