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Thrown out of the vehicle by his collar, Arkeus felt his heart jerk back into his spine. When his head struck the ground, your panicked screams became distorted, but the Katolian was haste to make his recovery. He hoped to make a grand and epic leap of action, but the man was startled by the sharp weapon that met his throat. He gazed up and scowled at his enemy.

"Is it really that hard to listen? Pff, you humans are so pathetic," Inyah scoffed, pinning the cold dagger firmly against his skin.

Arkeus narrowed his brows, retracting his head from the blade. "An elf in human territory, eh? Who would have thought. You don't look like an assassin."

"I forgive you for assuming that we're after the heads of your royalty," the delinquent grumbled. "And I forgive you for assuming that we want part of your imprudent war."

"Oh, of course. I forgot," the male replied, using his index to push away the blade. "I just - I've never heard of the black-market having such diverse labourers."

"You wouldn't be able to imagine even half of what we went through," she hissed, clenching her jaw. The Katolian took a second to empathize with the being, recognizing - in the process - that her horns, which were once hidden beneath her hood, were stubs under her ivory mane and her slender ears - which were native to the elven race - were mutilated. He could not tell what or who was responsible for the curse that fell on the woman. "Leave before I lose my remorse. The albino stays."

And as if on cue, Arkeus and Gliden shouted, "She's a child!"

Although it was unsettling, the synchronization built the first touch of trust between the two males. It also bewildered Inyah enough for the human to find his footing, a safe distance away from the jaws of the dagger. "Child or not," the elf growled through gritting teeth, "she's mine."

Without a moment of hesitation, with the speed of a Gryphon, the female pounced forward slashing the weapon across the foreigner's chest. Praise to his luck – the man had pivoted a moment prior, reducing the impact of the move. Arkeus felt fortunate to never have the need to wield a sword for the sake of survival. But in that moment, it became a lethal disadvantage. Nevertheless, the Katolian retrieved his weapon – which he had brought merely for the sake of intimidation – from its covering and leveled it before his torso. The two beings attacked with equal determination and vigor. Though one lacked the speed that would have evened the playing field. Yet, with every clang of metal, with every swing of the blade, Inyah found herself disintegrating more and more in a sea of distress. As the heat raised to her cheeks and ears, she could almost tell that the man's will was too strong to be fooled.

"What are you waiting for?! Go get the girl!" Inyah hollered to her partner while charging at her opponent. She managed to nick Arkeus as he became unnerved and absentminded from her sudden change of course. She missed his carotid artery by the width of a gold. The Katolian was so engrossed with Gliden, he failed to recognize the potentially fatal injury he sustained. It was intractable to think of anything otherwise. After all, Arkeus imagined that the delinquent would have defied the commands of his female counterpart. The male elf displayed empathy towards you and the Katolian understood that as the boy caring for your wellbeing. Hence, the honey-toned man was crestfallen and vexed to see the lout lunging towards the trailer.

But he read the forthcoming events as if they played in his mind. The Katolian knew what he had to do. Arkeus drove the hoofs of his feet into the soil, steadied his weapon and himself to shove, with all his might, the elf attacking him. While Inyah attempted to find her gravity, the man swung his blade to the leg of the male elf. If expected, the blow would have been futile but, conveniently for Arkeus, Gliden was too occupied with the newly assigned task to have foreseen the blow. 

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