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Somehow the evening sun was cordial that day. Its beams, though vivacious and refulgent, was as modest as a doe-eyed child greeted by a stranger. Meddlesome at heart, it peeped and pried through boughs and foliage to admire the figures knitted together in the summer fields. Yet, the two beings remained undisturbed - just as they had the six years they shared each others' company. However, as the moon threatened to replace daylight and the winds began to fuss, you eventually stirred awake from a drowse that left you sore. While blinking sleep from your vision, you raised your face from Harrow's chest, groaning - an instant after - at the way his scruff stretched with his sneer. If you had known that was the last time you would see him like that - content, teeming with youth, and in your arms - maybe you would have preserved that moment a little while longer.

"You are so unfair." You grinned sluggishly, straining your neck to elude the male's chin - blissfully unaware of kismet's mockery. "It's like you purposelessly wake up bright and early so I don't get to see your sleep-face."

"Mmm, kind, but no. That sounds like a lot of unnecessary effort. Besides, you're the one that sleeps in every chance you get."

"Sleep is sacred. So I take offence to that," you said, swallowing a growing yawn. "But please let me see it at least once. You know I'll love you regardless of the drooling and eye boogers-"

"You are weird and gross, but the sentiment is appreciated," the Prince chuckled before his lips formed a pout as you detangled from him.

Initially, he was reluctant to free your hips from his clutch, but as a fresh gale nipped your flesh, the two of you abandoned your antics to get dressed. At some point, swooned by the sea of swaying greenery, you surrendered to a stillness that resembled an infant flame - both serene and spirited. Usually, the Prince would have done the same. But that day he was fixated on you and the birling thought in his head.

"(Y/n)?" He called, regretting his decision in a trice.


"I - uh -" the high-blood stammered. In due course, he routed out his sense and deterred the exchange. "How's your father? I haven't heard of him in a while."

"Oh, well . . . I'd like to think he's gotten better. But Uncle Theo says he can't really get well until he retires. And as far as we know - father doesn't plan to stop smithing until he goes to glory."


"Seriously." You frowned half-heartedly, giving the noble your barrette. Automatically, by a force of a habit, he shifted behind you and braided the ornament into your hair. "I understand where Arkeus is coming from, though. Do you know what I mean?"


"I was just saying . . . it makes sense. His stubbornness makes sense. Imagine if people told you you're not allowed to do the one thing that makes you absolutely happy. Would that not irk you?"

The Prince's chest tightened, but he schooled his expression to neutrality. "Indeed - it's practically the same thing when people tell you you have to be someone you're not."

"Aye . . . I suppose life is just complicated-"

"Only if you let it," Harrow replied, finding a seat by your side. "One of the first things you told me was to not let people tailor our lives. And that it's precious and unique - and that it must be spent well. As one desires so."

"Really?" You tittered in a lilting voice. "Wow, it sounds like I was a very wise as a babe-"


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