chapter three: twist and shout

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Eddie cleaned his dish in the sink and made his way back to his room.

When he opened his door, the last thing he expected to see there was richie, but there he was.

"Oh my gosh," Eddie quickly shut his door and ran over to Richie, who was rebelliously wearing a leather jacket. "What on earth are you doing here, Richard?"

"It's Richie. I'm here to kindly request that you run away with me."

Eddie gasped and his mouth gaped open. "Are you insane?"

"My friend, Bill lives across the street from you and whenever I was over at his place I always saw you looking out your window." He paused, looking frantic. "You looked like you didn't wanna be there."

"I don't wanna be here." Eddie admitted, mainly to himself.

"So run away with me." Richie grabbed Eddie's hands in his own.

Eddie thought about it for a moment and considered it. "Where would we go?"

"Wherever fate takes us."

"That's cheesy."

"No, it's outta sight!" He said, grinning like a fool.

"I can't leave my mother."

"Your mother kind of seems like a drag,"

"She is."

"They'll find us eventually anyway," Richie spoke, "we can get away for a few days,"

"I suppose you have a point."

Richie smiled, "I like your outfit."

Eddie adjusted the neck of his turtleneck and pouted, "I like your jacket,"

Richie looked at his jacket, "I might let you wear it one day." He proceeded to wink.

Eddie blushed as red as a tomato.

The two boys began to prepare for their journey, tossing clothes, money, and other necessities into a bag.

Eddie took one last look at his yellow-walled room and let out a deep sigh, "I have to leave them a note."

Richie nodded in understanding and watched as Eddie grasped a piece of paper and a fountain pen in his small hands.

'Dear mother and father,' he wrote,

'I'm running away. This life isn't enough for me. I want adventure and excitement but i'm not getting any of that here. I don't know when I'll be back but I love you and I'll see you again one day.

- Eddie'

He placed the note neatly onto his bed and read over it once more,

"let's bug out."

"You can drive, right?" Eddie asked as he sat in the passenger seat of Richie's car.

"Of course i can." Richie said while shaking his head no.

"Oh, sweet lord." Eddie worried, clipping himself in with his seat belt as he braced himself.

"Don't you worry your little head, Eddie Spaghetti."

Eddie was too scared from driving to tell Richie not to call him anything stupid.

Richie looked at Eddie's horrified, yet cute expression and smiled, turning the key in the ignition.

"Hang on tight, doll." Richie laughed, beginning to drive down the street, hoping that Eddie's parents didn't know they'd left yet.

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