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I dedicate this book to the LGBTQ+ community and their relentless effort to become accepted and demand rights. The struggles that people have gone through to even be able to survive is shocking and horrible and it's a blessing that the 'times are a-changin''.

So many people have suffered to gain rights and respect. I'm very lucky to have been born in a much more accepting time, but this story is not set in this time.

This story is set in late 1969, after Stonewall. Many people had small-minded views on homosexuality and tended to replace their confusion and frustration with hate and discrimination.

Because of the time period, homophobic slurs will be used as well as other hateful terms.

If you're homophobic, then leave. This certainly isn't the story for you and you're not wanted here.

Some mental issues will be mentioned and discussed to move the story along including suicial thoughts and depression. If you ever want to hurt or kill yourself or even just think about it, please talk to someone. Things can always get better.

There may be some mentions of violence as well as emotional abuse. These themes aren't here for pure drama, it's to move the story along and make it realistic for the time period.

The use of drugs and alcohol will also be involved in the story, but will not be glorified or encouraged. This is set in 1969. There's obviously going to be some hallucinogenic drugs involved.

The characters in this story belong to Stephen King, but the storyline belongs completely to me.

The music included in this book belongs to the rightful singers and songwriters and the recordings belong to the recorders.

Hopefully you enjoy the story. I've worked really hard on it and enjoyed writing it so much. Votes and comments are very much appreciated, but feel no pressure! Just by you reading it, it gives me so much confidence to write more stories.

This is a special story about love and overcoming obstacles.


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