chapter eighteen: sugar, sugar

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After parking Mike's car in practically the middle of nowhere, the teen boys dozed off until morning.

"Are you sure that Mike and Will won't be angry?"

"Well, they're already being driven to Maine. I don't think they can get more frustrated than that."  Richie paused, "those police will be able to figure out that they aren't the real fugitives though."

They'd been driving Mike's car for a few hours and had just made it to Iowa. They were more than halfway to California, but they still missed the people they met on their journey.

Eddie hoped that Ben and Beverly would've been reunited with their blossoming love excluding Beverly's good-for-nothing father.

Richie hoped that Bill wasn't missing him too much and that perhaps he and his little brother were doing well.

Eddie hoped that Mike Hanlon and Stanley Uris weren't worried for them.

Richie hoped that his cousin and his boyfriend would be able to go home soon.

"I think we need some music." Eddie said and turned the radio on.

'Sugar, Sugar' by The Archie's blared through the small radio and brought a smile to Richie's remorseful face.

They didn't talk about the night before when Eddie went on a rampaging rant. Richie just knew that Eddie wouldn't want to discuss it.

The car ride was filled with sickly happy tunes as the two boys denied their feelings.

Eddie was perfectly happy with the amount of travelling they had done. They were nearly out of Iowa and into Nebraska. "Do you think we'll really make it to California?" He spoke softly, still having raw emotion set deep in his mind. He didn't actually believe that they could make it. It was amazing how they managed to make it so far without being caught, but that was probably due to Mike and Will's sacrifice.

"I truly, truly hope so, my Eddie Spaghetti." Richie smiled at the boy for a moment before returning his focus to driving. He didn't want anymore obstacles or events to get in the way of the promised land.

"What's it like there?" Eddie asked.

"Don't know." Richie answered, "but I think it'll be sunny and warm. That's what I've heard."

Eddie nodded. His blank stare at the bare road ahead convinced him to speak his mind, "I'm sorry for that weird rant at the party." His palms began to sweat along with his forehead, but he knew there was no avoiding the conversation. Eddie had literally implied that he had feelings for Richie, yet he didn't even fully understand them.

"Don't even apologise for that, Eddie." Richie spoke in a gentle and soft voice. "It was something that I really needed to hear."



Eddie smiled softly to himself and looked down at his lap, "I have a few questions for you."

"Yeah? List 'em off, Eds."

"Well first, could we get something to eat?" Eddie said hopefully.

The chuckle that escaped from Richie's soft lips broadcasted throughout their small vehicle, ringing and tingling in Eddie's eardrums. It was a weird feeling, but Eddie grew to love it. He grew to love him.

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