chapter nine: iko iko

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"Oh my God!" Eddie squealed, causing Richie to sprint back to the car. His heart rate was out of control seeing the weird stranger at his window.

The person gestured for Eddie to come out of the car.

"Hey, pal, leave us alone!" Richie threatened, trying to look brave and strong in his leather jacket. Eddie came out of the car, feeling safe with Richie.

"Woah, dude, we were just seeing if you cats needed some help." The person said.

He had dark skin and lovely brown eyes that brightened up his face alone. He was wearing cheap-looking clothes and had a small flower tucked behind his ear. Richie believed him to be a hippie.

"We?" Richie asked. It seemed that the person was alone.

The person gestured to his yellow van which had other hippies waving from inside it. "Me and my friends are making our way to California, you guys need a ride somewhere?"

"We're going to California too." Richie mentioned, "what's your name?"

"Michael Hanlon, but I like to just go by Mike. Things don't always have to be so complex," Mike laughed breathily, "and what are your names?"

"I'm Eddie."


The boys introduced themselves.

"Would you happen to know anything about cars?" Richie asked Mike.

"No, but Stan does."

"Who's Stan?" Eddie asked.

Mike whistled and called Stan over.

Stan was revealed to be wearing an outfit comprised of purples, pinks, and yellows. "What's the problem?"

"Their car broke down." Mike slung his arm over Stan's shoulder in comfort.

"I'll take a look," Stan went to the car, "Jesus, how old is this thing?" He tapped the rusty, dusty car, hearing a loud 'clang'.

"Only a few years," Richie screwed up his face, "maybe ten." Eddie grimaced, he wasn't aware of how old the car was.

"Fucking hell, these motherfuckers are ridin' around in a fucking shit-mobile." Stan laughed, causing Mike to laugh along with him.

"Hey, that's my car you're talking about, asshole!" Richie shouted.

Eddie patted his back, trying to calm him down.

"It's a good thing that we have a fully-functioning and totally rad, groovy awesome-mobile." Stan smirked. "What could be better for two idiot runaways?"

Eddie and Richie looked at each other in fear before seeing the relaxed look on Stan's face. They must've not cared.

"Stan, calm down with your fuckery." Mike laughed.

Eddie was flabbergasted. He'd never heard so much swearing at once in his life. Was this legal?

Stan rolled his eyes, "alright 'daddios', your car's busted. No fixin' this, must be its time." He tapped the good of the car again, "but you are in luck."

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