chapter six: build me up buttercup

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Rain pitter-pattered onto the once dusty windshield belonging to Richie Tozier's car, staining the glass with dots one-by-one. The moon was visible in the sky and New York could be seen in the distance.

"God, this rain's relentless, hey Eds?"

"Stop calling me Eds!"

"Why would I do that?"

"If you don't stop, I'll start calling you Richard!"

Richie gasped, "you wouldn't."

Eddie smirked and turned on the radio, "music's amazing."

"Something we can agree upon." Richie chuckled.

'Build Me Up Buttercup' began to play, causing Eddie to turn and playfully glare at Richie.

"Don't sing it," Richie warned, staring intently at the wet road.

"Why do you build me up, buttercup!" Eddie sang loudly, loud enough to be heard from space (in Richie's opinion).

Eddie could be rather confident when he wanted to be.

The boys had no idea that their faces had been planted in newspapers around the country. They were very lucky that no one had recognised them yet (except for just a few people).

Instead of worrying about whether anyone was searching for them, they relaxed during an average car trip in New York. It was exciting.

The bright lights, the fumes of rain and gas, rodents squeaking. It was a strange place to be excited about, but maybe it's obscurity was what made it so likeable.

Richie liked to think of himself as obscure. He was. His large glasses enhanced his eyes to the sizes of frying pans.

"I think we should treat ourselves." Richie declared, one hand on the steering wheel, one hand brushing Eddie's hair out of his face softly. "How about a hotel stay?"

Eddie smiled, but it soon faded. "Too risky, Rich."

"We can spare some cash, can't we?"

"Money isn't the problem." Eddie sighed, rubbing his temples, "it's pretty much definite that people know we're missing other than our parents. We've probably been on the news without even knowing it."

"We can disguise ourselves." Richie turned a corner slowly, "I'll wear a fake moustache and you can wear a pretty dress with a lovely blonde wig," he joked.


"Wow, language!" Richie laughed.

Eddie rolled his eyes, "I'm not a girl." He mumbled under his breath.

"Sorry, Eds, I didn't mean it. I'll wear the dress." Richie said.

Eddie couldn't help but laugh imagining Richie in a lovely dress and wig, lipstick as well. "That would be outta sight."

"It would." Richie agreed.

The boys formed a rather strong bond over the three days they'd been away for. They understood each other more than anyone else could, they didn't judge each other or fight (at least yet). Their bond was what they would call true if they'd been a boy and a girl, not a boy and a boy.

Sonia would say, 'oh, Edward! Liking boys is a sin! You're going to hell! Homosexual!' And Eddie would say "buzz off, ma! I can do what I want!' And what Eddie really wanted was to feel real love with no boundaries. No restrictions. No defiance. No judgement.

Eddie felt like maybe he could have that with Richie if they didn't tell anyone. It certainly seemed like Richie was dropping hints.

"Bet you would like to see me in a dress, huh Eds?"

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