chapter twenty-five: surfin' u.s.a.

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"You ask too much of me, Eds." Richie said, a disgruntled frown upon his face.

"Come on, it was funny!" Eddie flailed his arms around, remembering Richie's beautiful golden locks.

"It was not." Richie became distracted, seeing a sign in the distance which read: 'welcome to colorful Colorado'. "Hey, Colorado!"

Eddie sighed with a smile and looked at the large sign and closed his eyes, "we've made it so far."

"Yeah, I've got a beach babe and we haven't even made it to California yet."

Eddie hit Richie's chest playfully, "we really do need to talk about that."

"Do we? We could just live in the moment." Richie said. Deep down, he really did want to talk about it, but he was afraid of letting his real emotions out. Kissing is one thing, but actually talking about the logistics was absolutely horrifying. He supposed that he'd talked enough about his feelings.

"I will get you to talk about it." Eddie affirmed and relaxed his body.

He took his wallet out of his pocket (and he was very thankful that the hippies returned it to him) and counted the money they had left. It was probably enough to get one gas refill and maybe a snack.

"You look so down, Rich. What's the prob'?"

"The 'prob' is that I'm trying to focus on driving so we can get to where we want to go."

"Gee, I didn't mean to offend you-"

"Just- don't worry about it."

"I care about you."

"I know, but I just really need to focus."

"Take a deep breath and relax-"

"Oh, and you know all about relaxing, Edward. Stop being so controlling-"

Suddenly, all they could hear was the rumbling of the car's engine and the tires scratching across rough gravel. And then there was another distinguishable noise- a sniffle.

Eddie was crying.

Richie thought, 'it's all my fault'.

"Eddie, babe, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean-"

"I-it's nothing R-Richie," Eddie couldn't control his blubbering and his quivering lip no matter how much he wanted to. He was a brave boy, not a wuss. "I know you didn't mean it."

Richie couldn't take it anymore and pulled over. He reached out to wipe the tears from Eddie's face, but the tears didn't seem to stop coming. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean that you were controlling. I'm just stressed and-"

"No, no." Eddie spoke. "It wasn't that."

Richie was taken aback and furrowed his eyebrows, "what was it then?"

"Y-you called me Edward." The name tasted sour on Eddie's tongue.

"Whats wrong with that, babe?"

"My momma calls me that."

Richie gave himself a moment to think about what was so wrong with that and then it hit him. Eddie's mother abused him. He didn't say another word and pulled the small boy in closer, willing to let some feelings slip, but only if he felt better.

Eddie felt like a statue. He felt so stuck and trapped, but his trap was himself. His tears started to dry up and he reminded himself that Richie was good. Richie made him feel safe, even when he was angry.

Sonia Kaspbrak managed to spend some 'quality mother and son time' with Eddie often (Frank's appearance not included). The one-on-one bonding included a myriad of pills and tablets, frequent discipline, and a very in character verbal smackdown.

Eddie didn't know what she was doing was wrong until he turned 14. He just didn't know.

It was extraordinary how Eddie still managed to be an amazing person, even with his wicked past.

"I think I know how to make you feel better." Richie concluded.

Eddie always thought that forests meant trouble; danger! Horrific beasts lurked in shadows and depths of the ditches and ashy remnants of debris from its past life. Aliens, ghosts, werewolves! The films always had a creepy forest.

But this forest was different.

Light peaked through the leaves above their heads, which faded into purples and oranges, indicating a sunset was about to commence.

The branches didn't look like creepy hands. They were just branches.

Eddie could hear a running creek in the distance and who knew how many germs lived in the forest. But Eddie didn't care.

He didn't care because Richie brought out his small radio and placed it on the ground.

"We each get one guess at which band's song is playing before I turn it on." Richie stood and removed his shoes, leaving him barefoot.

"No, you'll get your feet dirty!"

"Nothin' wrong with actin' like early man, Eds." Richie spoke in an Irish accent, which somewhat impressed Eddie.

Eddie thought that maybe he could go along with it and took his shoes off too, but left the socks on (at least he could keep his feet clean).

"I think The Beatles." Richie spoke, knowing of their popularity.

"No, no way!" Eddie laughed. "The Beach Boys for sure!"

"How can you be so certain?" Richie held his arms behind his back and smirked.

"I just know." Eddie spoke and patted Richie's shoulder fondly.

"Only one way to find out." Richie said and turned the dial on the radio.

'Surfin' U.S.A.' began playing over the radio.

"Ha! I told you!" Eddie victoriously jumped around in a circle, his short curls bouncing as he went. He pounded his fists into the air and laughed like he was laughing at the funniest joke in the world.

"You told me." Richie agreed and chuckled lightly.

He watched as Eddie spun around and around in celebration and interrupted his rhythm, grasping his hands in his. "You win a dance with the Richie Tozier."

"Gross!" Eddie joked and stuck his tongue out in rebellion.

"Now you've hurt my feelings." Richie fake-pouted as Eddie adjusted his glasses for him.

"I can make it up to you." Eddie smiled and started to dance to the upbeat song just like he would in his large, lonely bedroom. "C'mon, dance!"

Richie joined in and sang along with the music.

The break in their road trip was definitely worth it because they couldn't control the glee on their faces or the love in their hearts.

They still had to get to California, but who says they couldn't have a little fun first?

As it got dark, they sat on the grass and just hugged each other. No talking, no kisses.

They were just feeling their connection to each other.

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