Chapter Three: Almost like Driftwood

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The rain lay thick, seeping into the ground and clouding the forest around me in a cold mist, mixing with the silently raging river. Wiping the water out of my eyes I shivered, the stone sword in my hand glistening with blood, steam drifting off into the morning light.
I shook slight as I looked at what used to be a sheep laying at my feet, it's white wool soaked in browns and reds, it's face a look of pain and acceptance. I hated killing things in such a brutal and dismal way, it just wasn't right; but I still needed to eat, and the rain covers my clumsy hunting skills. Sighing I stepped over to the river, cleaning off the thick blood before it dried. I watched as the water stained red, mixing in with the white bubbles before being snatched away by undercurrents. Closing my eyes I let my hand stay in the water, the icy depths slowly numbing it. I felt fish brush past, one even curling itself around my hand, it's nails digging deep.

Gasping I tried to yank my hand back, the realisation too late as whatever had my hand dragged me under. The shock of cold dark water jammed my limbs up, causing me to stiffen in fear and panic. Even with my faintly glowing eyes the thick water swirled, full of thick kelp and bubbles, causing my sight be distorted. Glancing down I followed the ashen hand, not a fish, interwoven with my own, up to a sight that made my stomach drop. While my sight wasn't much aid, it was enough to make out every detail of the humanoid face, a long dead corpse hungry for fresh meat.

It's eyes were clouded over, sunken in with no muscles to conform them into shape, eaten away by maggots and worms. The nose was a gaping hole, thick black water cycled in an out, as if a last attempt at breath. Small chunks of flesh hung of the excuse for a face, nibbled away by fish, hanging on by threads, threatening to be snapped and dragged away by the raging current.
It's mouth hung open at an awkward angle, broken and unrepairable, blackened and yellow teeth visible with no lips or gum to conceal them. It's hair flowed around it, like tattered seaweed.

I must have screamed, but even if I had hearing, the sound would have been torn away from me by the current. Wrenching my hand away I kicked out in panick, my foot connecting with its chest, I wished it hadn't. I felt it crumble under my foot, the chest cavity collapsing inwards, trapped air bubbles fleeing from the corpse. Panicking I pulled my foot back, my movements slowed by the cold water, but I was still quick enough to avoid the rusty blue trident, firmly planted where my leg was seconds ago. Clumsily scrabbling back I felt my hand breach water, my numb digits grasping at the bank.
Gripping the trident with my free hand I pulled it out of reach from the seemingly enraged corpse, its grasp finding my leg, causing me to gasp in pain, foul tasting water quickly finding refuge in my lungs. Just as my vision started to fade I found a solid roof with my hand, using it to grip onto as I made one final push. Jabbing down with the creatures own weapon, I watched as it's clouded eyes lost its hate filled glow, it's grip loosening as dirty water bubbled from its throat. Dragging myself back I breached the water, icy air causing relief to wash over me. Turning I watched the corpse float back to the dark depths, vanishing out of sight.

Standing up on shaky legs I made my way onto stable ground, the world swaying slightly as I dropped to my knees. What little food I had in my stomach soon spilled out onto the forest floor, hot tears mixing with them. I knew what that thing was, I knew I had encountered, fought, experienced, them before. But this time, it felt as if I were seeing them in a new light.
Memories of similar Drowned corpses filled my mind, even faded in obscurity I knew they were different. They were creatures created in the water, no life before, no life after, blink and you would forget about them, but this, this thing, with these eyes... it had been alive once, details evident on it's... no, her face. Even in her rotten state there were creases, smile creases. Her eyes, though clouded, had once held a mother's love, someone who didn't deserve to die to such a fate. Everything was so real, why was it so real?! The headache I didn't realise I had thrummed in my head as my vision flashed white, quieting my racing thoughts.
Shuddering I felt the Trident in my hand, it's metal cool to the touch. Standing up I made my way up stream, my stomach still churning and the chill eating at my bones, my mind numb.

Bumping something with my foot I glanced down, stray tears spilling from my eyes. The sheep lay there, it's wool soaked and face forelorn. Shaking my head I knelt down and stared to skin it, forcefully ignoring the memories attempting to invade my mind as my tears dried. Stopping for even a second brought unwanted ideas; thoughts of the girl in the river but with orange, brown or even blond hair. Shaking my head I slapped the side of my face, mentally shouting at myself,
'Get it together. She was alre dead, no use getting distracted. You have to survive too.'

Standing up I stored the meat and wool in my pouch, dragging the rest of the carcass further into the forest; for the wolves. Turning, I strapped the Trident to my back, heading back to the direction of my house, it's silhouette imposing in the thinning rain. Glancing back to the river one last time, I shook my head slowly, I let out a shaky breath, no more memories.

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