chapter 5

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                             from now on, the writing for the perspective of the author will be in italics.

No ones pov

After shopping, the star sanses were walking on the pavement beside their house. The tallest, Dream, walked up to the door however, the door was already unlocked. "Ink," he started. "Did you remember to lock the door?" he asked, as his friend stood beside him. "Yeah... I think?" Ink scratched his head in confusion. The small blue bean was stuck carrying the shopping, he was getting worried aswell. Dream looked them both in the eyes and nodded, signalling to get ready to attack. The skeleton then summoned his magic staff. The others also spawned their weapons. For blue he summoned two bones, once the shopping was dropped to the cold floor. Ink summoned his oversized paintbrush, also referred to,  only by ink,  as 'broomy'. Once fully equipped, the three carefully snuck into their bright, coulourful house, which smelled of tacos.
Once inside, Dream looked at ink and signalled for him to check upstairs, which he agreed to in the form of a simple nod. He climbed up the stairs and carefully opened one of the bedroom doors, trying to be as quiet as possible. Blues room was rather small, he could easily sew if someone was inside. Empty. He crept down to the next room, dreams. The biggest room. He opened the door and stepped inside, broom at the ready. He looked around, all the corners, empty. The next was his. His room was a mess and he could tell if someone had been in his room. when the door shuts, it locks so he could tell if an intruder had been inside. He ALWAYS shuts the door. And this time..... It was open. He frowned. Taking small steps towards the door. He creeped around the corner into his room, empty. He signed. So what did the intruder want from his room?  Questions filled the small skeleton's mind. He was scared. He keeps his personal things in his room and if people found out that he.... He scratched his arm and bit his lip, fear taking over his body.
Downstairs, Dream was in the kitchen. Blue stayed in the living room as look out, ready to go up the stairs or into the kitchen. Dream finally came out of the kitchen, unsuccessful in his mission to find the intruder. At the same time, ink came down the stairs.
"Find anything?" the blue one asked.
"Well..... The love potion is gone." dream sighed.
"My rooms been broken into but i don't know if anything had been taken." ink added. "Ok, lets go and check our rooms and see if anything is missing." blue said, only to be given nods fron the others. They traveled uo the stairs and into their rooms. Blue looked at his clean, half empty room. The only thing worth value to him was a photo of papy and him which was obviously placed on the bedside table, it was there. Dream looked into his huge room. Nothing was even out of place. He always remembers, unlike his friend, ink. As soon as ink got into his room, he rushed to his bed and pulled out a small box, the box only had one thing in it. Ink shook the box to find a rattle. He sighed in relief. He stood up and reached for his vials.
"Crap... I must have left them here" he mumbled. He looked onto his bed, where he always places his vails however, there was nothing there. Ink immediately started to panic. His orange an yellow eyes scanning the room to find no vials. Did someone take them?! If so who? Why would they need them? Questions swamped inks mind. "Hey ink?" ink was snapped ouy of his panic by Dream. "Loose anything?" he asked ink. "Y-yeah my... My vials.... I need them!" Ink was panting and panicking, he felt as if the world was collapsing in in itself. Dream noticed and started thinking of ways to calm his friend down. "Guys?" blue interrupted the silent panic. "O-oh blue, ink lost his vials... Maybe we should look around the house?" dream suggested, however blue and him cleaned the house before ink got up. Blue looked at his friend who was shaking and on the verge of tears. He seemed to catch onto the plan of distracting ink for now. "O-ok" was the answer he gave.

Sorry for such a boring chapter. I've been busy.

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