Chapter 19

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Questions, i got many.. Um so thanks for everyone who commented, I'll have to work these comment into the book itself so im gonna have to change some questions but it would be same so its cool.

Nightmares pov.

"So um," cross started. "Do you.. Miss the star sanses?"
Ink gulped, guess he wasn't ready fo the questions yet.
"Um yes? They're my best friends"
"Huh.. Ok then.. Can you tell me where you lived before the starshits and that.?"
"Um my doodl-"
"Before that"
"... M-my old au?"
I sensed some negativity coming from ink but he's not lying.
"Do you like it here?"
Cross had another bite of his dinner, he chewed.. Then swallowed. "Um.. So, why is there a cut on your arm?"
"I feel during the batrle with night and i cut myself on the.. Snow"
"The snow?"
"Yup" more negativity and..lies.. I'll question him about it later. I decided thats enough questions from cross. I looked over to the other's single asses.
"So inky... Why'd you fall for me?" i asked looking at my gang with a smirk.
"I don't know, you just have a way of taking over my mi d i guess."
"What do you like best about me?"
"Um well depends, if were talking personality then i like the way you care, i mean you don't show it but you care about everyone in your gang. About your appearance i guess it would be tentacles because i want you to throw me over the edge of the table and pound-"
"What would you do if i left you?"
"Throw myself into the void or find a way to commit suicide"
"W-what would you do to make me stay?"
"I wouldn't, i would let you choose your own choices"
Shit.. I feel.. Guilty.

Error coughed, getting our attention. "Why, why in the whole multiverse, would you, oh mighty, powerful creator, want to be..... 'Pretty'?"
"Because i want.. I-I..i want to stay fit?" he's lying again.
"Yeah, i have to agree with mr. Glitchy ass, why would you want to be pretty? Like..for nightmare orr.. Do you have some sort of disorder? " dust asked.
"I-i just wanna be fit ok?"
Ink mumbled. I sighed. "Ok, enough questions maybe we should all watch a movie or some shit" i suggested. Everyone nodded with agreement.

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