Chapter 6: ALIE/N A(C)TION

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Loki's demeanor changed as daylight spilled in through the opening hatch. By the time the boarding ramp was in place, he'd straightened to his full towering height. His eyes were dark and his jaw set.

"Come," he said, leaving no room for argument.

I sat feeling lost. I knew this guy thought I was his sister, but what exactly did he want with me? For me to be on his side? To somehow force myself to remember that decades-old version of him and...what? Help him?

Could he be right? Was I this person? He was so confident that I was, and he acted like I meant something to him.

It was very confusing to have the good guys all but neglect me while the bad guy answered my questions and showed me that he cared for me in his own twisted way. Captain America broke my leg and ended my dance career, while Loki killed a man for simply dropping me.

I didn't know who to trust, where to go, or what to do with myself. Going along with Loki's plan was what got me into the mess with S.H.I.E.L.D. Even if he was my brother, it was clear he was no longer that sweet caring person from the vision. I had seen him stab a man in the eye while smiling. No matter how kind he acted, I knew I could not associate myself with him.

But trying to fight Loki was out of the question unless I could get the scepter, and I doubted he would let go of that thing for a second. I could run, but I couldn't get very far very fast with this leg. The thought of trying to fly this jet flitted through my mind, but I dismissed it knowing I would probably kill myself, and most likely others, trying.

At a loss, I limped down the ramp to get my bearings. We were outside, and very high up, so high that surrounding skyscrapers looked modest. I turned and saw the top of the Chrysler Building level with us.

New York! Finally, somewhere I recognized. Admittedly, I was very far from home, but it was more familiar than the inside of a giant flying military base. I craned my head around to spot the Hyatt we had stayed in last year for my mother's birthday. And Central Station was just...and so we had to be...I couldn't remember which building we were on top of.

"Bring her inside. And do not let her out of your sight." Loki ordered a man, who was crouching at a contraption that looked like a science experiment. It was a tall, spindly, shiny alien thing, with an an icy blue core, like the scepter. Like the eyes of the men Loki had changed.

The man extracted himself from the contraption and as he turned my heart plummeted. I took an involuntary step towards him.


"Oh that's right," said Loki. "You know each other." He was grinning.

Finn eyed me coldly, as if he knew me, but thought I was disgusting.

"Finn," I said again. I felt my throat tighten dangerously.

"Keep her out of trouble," Loki commanded him. "We wouldn't want any accidents, would we?" Loki reached out a hand as if to touch my face. I jerked away.

"Do not fear me. I will not harm you. Unlike... " he looked pointedly at my leg. "Some."

Loki joined a middle-to-late aged man with frizzy hair and blue eyes crouching near the contraption. Finn put my arm around his neck and helped me walk towards an elevator. His hands were hot and I could see sweat beading on his forehead. His usually neat dark hair was matted. He was shaking.

In all that had happened to me, I had hardly thought about what might have happened to my friend. Guilt stung me as I realized just how selfish I was. Finn was the one who had been taken, really taken, by Loki.

"Finn, are you ok? What happened?" I said as soon as the elevator doors closed. He pressed a button and the elevator dropped. "You know me, Finn. Look at me!"

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