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"GET UP, DIRTBAG! YOUR FATHER IS HERE!" yells the guard.

Hyunjin opens his swollen eyes. they hurt from being clenched together for so long as he cried himself to sleep. he groans as he gets up from the metal bed, rising and walking up to the cell bar's to be handcuffed.

"yes, Mr. Gates.... i understand.... yes sir, im doing the best i can, sir." he hears his father say from down the hall. he comes around a corner and sees his dad at a front desk, filling out paper work, while talking on the phone. his back is turned toward Hyunjin.

"yes, im confident about this case, sir. as a state prosecutor, it's my duty. i won't disappoint you, sir. we-" his father continues, not even noticing his son is behind him.

Hyunjin can't stand this. that's one reason he does things and says the things that he says. its all because at home, he's invisible.

"ahh noo!" he whines sarcastically, "am i leaving so soon? too bad, im really gonna miss this shithole." he speaks loudly, with all the sarcasm he can muster.

his dad still doesn't turn his back. he just says his goodbyes on the phone and hangs up. he then turns around to his son, with a look of utter disappointment. Hyunjin's heart crumbles a little everytime he sees that look on his fathers face.

"we will be going now," he says, looking straight through Hyunjin, to the guard. the guard nods and offers to show them out.

"we know where the fucking door is. we've been here plenty of times, so back off," Hyunjin says sternly to the guard, staring him down with sharp eyes.

this is what he does. he takes his anger towards his father out on others. he can't handle all the pain on his own. so, as an outlet, he hurts people..... and himself.

he storms out of the front door of the detention center, out into the crisp and cool night air. a tear drops from his already swollen eyes, and he quickly wipes it away when he hears the front door open back up behind him.

his father approaches, "....you're an embarrassment. disappointed would be an understatement." he says, coldly.

they get into the car, and after a silent drive home, they pull into the driveway of a huge mansion, Hyunjin's home.

smack. Hyunjin reaches his hand to his face. it burns... it always burns. his eyes water, but he knows that crying would give his dad exactly what he wanted.

"you're just a punk. if everyone knew how soft you were, they'd slap you around, too." his father says, as he exits the vehicle, leaving Hyunjin in the car. he breaks down, sobbing again. he needs...his Minnie.

~meanwhile, when Felix entered his home~

"Yongbok, honey? Is that you?"

"yes, Grandma. It's me."

"ah, how was studying with your friends?"

"oh it was..interesting."

bink! zzzzzzz! Felix gets a notification from Snapchat.

binnie.seo.cute has added you as a friend

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Felix couldn't breathe. his heart dropped to the bottom of his stomach, and his legs grew weak.
he struggled down the hallway to his room, and fell back onto the bed, clasping his phone against his chest.

"what...the actual...fuck" he whispered, "Changbin" raced through his mind over and over again.

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