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after school, Minho and Changbin watch a movie at Changbin's apartment. Changbin seems to have cheered up a little bit, but he's still annoyed at the situation.

"have you talked to Felix?" Minho suddenly asks.

"yeah, i came to my senses. he didn't know." says Changbin.

"so you told him about Lakeshare?"

"no. i don't think i should."

"yeah. if we tell them, it could put them in danger. there's a war going on right now. and we'd be throwing them right in the middle of it."

"i hate lying to him, though. that could be worse."

"yeah. could be."

buzzzzbuzzzz. Changbin's phone gets a notification. Felix just posted a new picture on Instagram.



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f.elix_leee missing you ❤
3 minutes ago
246 likes and 79 comments

a small smile forms on his face and he turns the screen off, sets the phone on the couch cushion and continues to watch the movie.


"did you take the day off from work like i told you to?" asks Hyunjin. Hyunjin and Minnie have been on the phone since they left school.

"yes," Seungmin sighs. "this is the only day im taking off though, for a long time."

"you shouldn't work yourself so hard, baby. how can you help your mom out when your not taking care of yourself?"

"i-i just have to work. you don't understand." Seungmin sighs.

"you're right. i don't. i don't understand why you give everything you have to everyone else and never make time for yourself."

"i have to. it's as simple as that. i can't go off to Paris, or Switzerland, or Dubai whenever i want. i can't chill on the beach, or canoe down a river just to relax. i don't even know what relaxing is."

"alright, alright. i get it."

"you don't."

"seriously? why does everything have to be because im rich and has never had to struggle."

"weird flex, but okay. it's not even like that. i was just saying-"

"you constantly say that, though."

"i didn't know you cared! okay?"

"not okay. i care so much and i just want to take care of you. i just want you to let me buy you stuff, spoil you, and i mean spoil you rotten!!"

"i don't need that stuff. i really don't even want it."

"whatever. i have to go."

"Jinnie i-" the phone is hung up before Seungmin can even say anything else. he lays on his bed and looks up at the ceiling. he let's out a sigh and closes his eyes.

~Felix's room in his big asf mansion ~

Jisung types away on the computer as he puts finishing touches on his essay.

"Jisung," Felix groans, watching Jisung while laying on the bed, "that was due 10 days ago."

"im well aware," Jisung hisses.

"what's going on? you've been really distracted lately."

Jisung sighs before he says, "i haven't told him yet-"

"BITCH ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?" Felix yells.

"i don't know how."

"rip. off. the bandage. be a man."

"tell Changbin about your obsession with The Bachelor."

"imma shut up now. proceed."

"that's what i thought." Jisung says with a smirk.

Felix lays his head back down on the pillow and plays with the hem of his sleeve.

"so, where at this time?" asks Jisung.

Felix sighs. "Bermuda."

"hmm. sounds cool."

"yep. so cool. cooler than being here with their son."

Felix's sarcasm level reaches its highest when he talks about his parents.

"im sure they're-"

"having a beautiful time without me? forgetting they have a human being together? neglecting their only son?"


"believe me, they didn't have to go all the way to Bermuda to do that."

"good thing you have me. and innie. and minnie."

"and binnie. and jinnie. and that meanhoe. and channie."

"my meanhoe."

"i mean, no ones fighting you for him."



"these basics at school have been putting notes in his locker."

"oh. hell. no. who?"

"i don't know. but i heard that he's always been popular with the senior girls and that he dated one of them before he dated me."

Felix loudly gasps. "he did what?"

"yeah. her name was Geoksun."

"that just made me a lot more confident about Yongbok." Felix smiles.

"HAHAHA nothing is wrong with Yongbok!!" Jisung laughs.

"mmhm. this Geoksun chick go to Westwood."

"no, some other school. i think that school we were talking about earlier."

"ohh, Lakeshare?"


"man what is the jizz with that school?"

"i don't know but it sure has Minho, Chan, Changbin, and Hyunjin on edge."

"i should get info out of Changbin."

"how? are y'all talking again?"

"yep. and i have my ways." Felix says with a wink.

im rlly srry bby ❤
can u come ovr

its okay i guess
what about your dad?

he leaves late
can u come at 10?

yeah i'll see you then ❤


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