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Third POV
Today was July 15th, it was a slightly hot day but it didn't matter.

"Congratulations Izuku you are finally 18!" Cheered a woman who wiped a small tear.

She looks at her only son who stood taller than her.

"Thanks, mom!" Deku grinned, hugging his only parental.

His father had disappeared after he was 2, pronounced dead later on.

But it was fine as long as he had his momma with him.

"Anyways I have to go, mom, work as usual." Deku added before he broke the hug.

"Of course, have a wonderful day!" Inko waved.

And so he was gone, leaving to head to work, after all, if he didn't his surprise birthday party wouldn't have been made.

He drove off, without a single care in his mind, why would he, it's his birthday.

When he arrived he was greeted by a close friend mirio togata.

"Hey Midoriya, happy birthday dude, we are gonna have a good time tonight, we are gonna go partying, pick up chicks, take shots." Mirio cheered

Just like Midoriya, he was a pretty happy go lucky guy.

" ok, first of all, I heard you out, I think your nuts and that's illegal, I ain't about to get arrested, nuh-uh, not today." Deku spoke.

"Ah typical Midoriya, Anyways-" mirio was cut off by a muscular blonde man entering the shop.

" Hello, young Midoriya, I hear that it's your birthday, congratulations!"

His name was toshinori yagi or mainly called all might since he was fearless.

He worked for the local police department.

" your usual huh?" Mirio questioned, getting only a nod in response.

He then left to the back area leaving just all might and Deku.

" my, how have you grown!" He chuckled.

"You do realize that is aw you yesterday and e day before that and before... right?" Deku questioned

" of course, but you all grow in some way shape or form." All might answered.

Confusing the heck out of Deku he only nodded and hoped all might wouldn't say any more stuff.

"All right, here is your coffee with a glazed donut, see you around, all might!" Mirio waved, along with Midoriya.

Soon all might left as another customer stepped up.

Deku had now taken over, this customer was quite peculiar, after all, it wasn't every day where Deku says a guy with his hair split to two different colors and a large burn mark under his left eye but oh well, his hair looked broccoli so he couldn't exactly be the judging type.

"Hello, just a black coffee please." The guy spoke.

God, he sounded so monotone.

But it was hot.

"Coming right up." Deku smiled before handing the order over to Mirio.

And just like that, it was over, The whole interaction.

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