
42 5 2

Area 6,

Mexico City, Mexico,

9:00 PM, November 12th.


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He heard the screams from the other rooms... or cells. He heard the pounding on the door. He heard the crying that went on for days. He heard everything. The mental institution isn't an ideal place for thinking but it gave him the research he needed. He saw the teensy outline of footsteps approaching his metal door for dinner and sat on his bed, acting like he always does.

"Dinner." The guard said tonelessly. Jungkook stared at the wall, not moving. The guard rolled his eyes.

"Not hungry, huh?" Again, no reply.

"I'll just take this back then." He saw, in the corner of his eye, the guard smile. Just when he picked up the plate again, Jungkook shot up, grabbed the knife in the guards belt and stabbed him through the neck. It took less than two seconds and when the guard fell, the smile was still on his face.

Jungkook didn't smile or frown but simply walked out the door with the keycard.

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