
39 5 2

Area 5,

New York, United States of America,

11:42 PM, November 12th


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Jimin waited until Yeong was asleep on his shoulder, he quickly closed the TV and shook her off in disgust. 

For three years... I have waited for this moment.

He grinned, a laugh threatening to bubble up. For the time being, Jimin suppressed it down and slid the swiss knife out. He slowly flicked the blade out and stared at it lovingly. It's funny how he loved a knife more than his girlfriend.

But then again, she never really was Jimin's girlfriend, was she?

Hoeing around with other men, treating Jimin like a toy. 

He shrugged, she brought this upon herself. 

Jimin approached Yeong and gently removed a strand of hair off her face, he could see a whisper of a smile on her face. Then he dove the knife into her stomach and immediately, Yeong gasped and screamed awake. Jimin let out a maniac laugh, blood bubbling out of her mouth. For just two more seconds, he let himself enjoy the suffering and the cries of pain from Yeong. Once Jimin collected himself, he calmly slid the knife across Yeong's throat and then the screams were no more. 

He looked at his blood-stained hands. It didn't concern him that he had just killed someone, and the police were obviously going to investigate. No, it wasn't that. 

Besides, who was going to suspect a person who was supposed to be dead?

Jimin's problem was that he had no idea where the others were and he was still out of milk...

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jimin bad boy

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